I had been working on this a while. I just discovered my ORACLE_HOME variable was not being set.
I went to control panel settings to set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable for my machine.
Please help.
I have installed active state perl along with the DBD:DBI drivers for ORACLE via PPM.
I am able to SQLPLUS into the instance from the command prompt, but get a connection error when trying to connect to db. (see bottom of this post)
Version Info
perl, v5.6.1 built for...
##The first part (awk) inside the for loop gets the unique keys
for id in $(awk -F"|" '{print $1}' yourfile |sort -u)
grep "$id" yourfile | tail -1
Z100035|USF Reddway Test Inc
Z100036|Meijer Test Corp
Z100038|USP Employee Corp
Z100039|Frontier Inc
Z100040|Foster Inc...
Not identical to format you requested, but I believe this gives results you are looking for. I limited results with a where clause so you could see example of output.
SELECT substring(stateProvincenm,1,1),
FROM StateProvince
WHERE countryCd='US' AND...
You need to have enough for OS level functions to run. If you isolate your dataserver to its own box with no other users you can probably get away with using more ram for the dataserver.
We have some boxes that only have the dataservers on them. For our purposes we use 1.5GB of ram for the...
## Replace $dir with the directory you want to search
## i.e . or / or ${HOME}
## replace both grep "string"s with the string you
## are searching for
for file in $(find dir -exec grep -li string {} \;)
echo "FILE:$file\n________________\n"
grep -n string $file
Sybase stores data a little differently than Oracle. Also, even though users have a default db (schema) that they are associated with, they can work in different db's if they are given permission.
Here are some snippets. Not really sure what you are hoping to gain from items e and f. You can...
You don't mention what version of ase
Here is one solution
you must have the 'select into' option for the db set.
alter table TestTable
add a integer null
add b char(10) default 'test' -- You must provide default
-- if you don't want nulls
add c datetime null...
Actually in my previous post I should note it is better to use #tableB as opposed to tempdb..tableB. The former is truly a temp table, while the latter will remain in tempdb until you drop it.
try building the temp table by using select into.
i.e if you have tableA with columns that are UDT, you can
select * into tempdb..tableB
from yourdb..tableA
where 0=1 -- false value here simply will cause
-- empty table structure to be created
-- and underlying type...
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