I am more than glad to have none professionals to work on our website but since its perl related they should know perl I assume because how else will I be able to know if the scripts and programs are secure and work properly. I want alot of people to be apart of this project because I have been...
Hello, I have the domain perlnetwork.com where I want to host perl scripts and programs along with trying to build a perl community that will share scripts and programs, all for free. Im looking for someone who is willing to contribute their time in help build the sites script archive and make...
Hello TrojanWarBlade, do you know of any that are not open source? Thanks for the help, by the way can you use CPAN without knowing perl syntax to create programs and scripts. Thanks bye
Hello TrojanWarBlade, your right I will need one am looking at MySQL for the database since its open source. Aside from the script how does the database tie into things, if you can help me out with any information I would greatly appreciate it, bye
Hello, I am looking for a perl script that lets user register for my website makes them verify their email and give me ability to control the users on my website and if it other features that would be a plus. I am not trying to create me own because I think there is already a standard one many...
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