I am trying to create a mirror of our DFS root as documented by Microsoft http://technet2.microsoft.com/windowsserver/en/library/ae08acaa-148d-41eb-a693-35d80c4590751033.mspx?mfr=true
I am running the command
dfsutil /root:\\server1\DFSRoot /importroot:\\server2\DFSRoot /mirror
this ends with...
Converter worked fine until yesterday when I changed the name of the destination server and changed my password from one with 9 characters to one of 17.
Then converter refused to get access to the destination folder.
and now with a short password it gets access looks as if it is running for 47...
One of my users recently hit a problem. When opening word documents the NT workstaion hung forcing a reboot. I can use his PC and access the same files without dificulty, the user can use another PC and has no difficulty. I have removed the normal.dot file but no joy, I have also reinstalled MS...
I have checked that Temp variable points to C:\Temp. I have even deleted and recreated it with no success. the drivers have been reinstalled although there appeared to be no need as IE5.5 is the only failing application. IE5.5 has been reinstalled.
I'm still looking for a solution.
running nt4.0 sp6 IE5.5.
When attempting to print using the print button nothing happens.
When using File Print from the menu nothting happens not even the print dialog box.
I have one machine which can't print from Internet explorer 5.5 SP1.
I have tried reparing IE5.5, removing and reinstalling, and applying SP2, all to no avail.
I able to print from all other applications.
I have checked out Microsoft and previous threads here.
Any ideas would be welcome.
I have a similar problem. Although my users never use journals one has a massive journal of over 2000 items. I have given myself permissions to the offending mailbox so that I can remove the items. As yet I don't know how to stop the journalising.
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