Shared variables evaluate too late to be used in your situation. You can sneak around this by creating another subreport (which will be used to chart on) and then pass the shared variables into this chart using the subreport links but unlinked to any fields. If you have more than one valule...
What you want to do is divide by 60. The whole number you get will be your hours and the remainder will be your
Based on the example you provided, your formula could look like this:
numbervar x := .75;
numbervar hh := truncate(x * 100/ 60);
numbervar mm := remainder(x *...
The formula rhinok gave you should work
Here's a shorter way of writing it:
{PayPeriodEndDate} = {?Pay Period End Date}
{CommunityID} In {?CommunityID} or
{?CommunityID} = 'All'
What happens when you comment out the Pay Period criteria, does your report return anything? Is...
Subreports don't have page headers but you can fake this look but creating a group and using the Repeat Group Header on each page option.
Here's the kbase
If it is available to you, you can use a SQL Expression to convert your number to text and this will do the conversion server side before the number will get to Crystal.
But have you checked if the number is just formatted to no decimal places? Have you tried changing the rounding and the...
Sounds like the Regional Options for numbers are set differently on the machine you have Crystal Reports and the machine you have Crystal Enterprise. You may have to change the regional options so they are the same on both machines. What you have to watch out for is that this will affect...
You can run an ODBC trace to see the SQL statement that is getting passed to your database.
Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources ODBC > Tracing Tab
I would create a variable and assign this variable the value of your datefield if that date is greater than today. But I would only do this once.
Step 1: Group on the person
Step 2: Create your declaration formula that goes in the Group Header
Numbervar Counter;
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