I just upgraded im my test environment a domino server from 5.12 to 6.52 version (6.51 + incremental); my test is good unless for these reasons: the shutdown of the http task (and domino server too obviously) causes the error:
"JVMXM004: JVM is performing abort shutdown sequence" and...
in order to upgrade my domino servers from 5.12 version to 6.52 version, I wish to know what I must do about transaction log: in other words, how the upgrade process can affect the transaction logging process?
Thank You!
Thank You John for your reply;
what I had listened is about the existence of some system keywords that, if they are present in the code of the old applications, can crash the R6 server accessing the applications with old client...
But I ask myself, wich keywords?
Thank You Pascal for your reply;
what I had listened is about the existence of some system keywords that, if they are present in the code of the old applications, can crashes the R6 server accessing the applications with old client...
But I ask myself, wich keywords?
someone have found problems upgrading to domino server 6.x and using R5 developed applications with R5 client? I have listened that there are possible R6 server crash problems using R5 client versions before 5.08.
Any suggestion about this topic very appreciated!
Thank You in advance
someone have found problems upgrading to domino server 6.x and using R5 developed applications with R5 client? I have listened that there are possible R6 server crash problems using R5 client versions before 5.08.
Any suggestions about this topic (co-existence) very appreciated!
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