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Search results for query: *

  1. gleason

    MIS Degree? Am I wasting my time?

    As a long-time IT manager, I'd like to add my two cents: 1) Get a Bachelor's degree. There are many, many places in the IT world that will not even talk to you without that piece of paper. In those places, you need the piece of paper to even get a foot in the door. It is generally true that...
  2. gleason


    Try this: Run DCOMCNFG.EXE on the NT box to give other users the access rights to run controls. Look at the default security level for your application -- it defaults to Administrator only. Hope that helps! Pat Gleason gleason@megsinet.net
  3. gleason

    Getting rid of "Debug Assertion Failed"

    Just wanted to update this post with my final results. The workspace had excluded the default library LIBCMT which apparently causes LIBCMTD to be used. Therefore, the delete operator was being resolved from LIBCMTD (actually from dbgdel.obj) instead of from LIBCMT (debug.obj). My program...
  4. gleason

    Getting rid of "Debug Assertion Failed"

    We have a large application built with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 that runs on a Win98 client. We do build "Win32 Debug" builds for internal testing / debugging but we always build "Win32 Release" versions before releasing applications to the field. Lately we have begun...
  5. gleason


    I recommend "Essential COM" by Don Box. Pat Gleason gleason@megsinet.net
  6. gleason

    I still can't figure my compiling error

    Just a shot in the dark; try changing the type of your variable time_returned. Instead of long, define it as time_t (which is a long) -- maybe that will "unconfuse" the compiler. Hope that helps. Pat Gleason gleason@megsinet.net
  7. gleason

    Project Settings

    Like Pete says above, it depends on what setting you're talking about. If you are actually changing project settings, (off the Project tab) then they should be saved in your workspace file (i.e. PS1.dsw). If you are changing tools options (off the Tools tab) then they are saved in the registry...
  8. gleason

    DLL Help Compiling

    You don't want to look at the type library (it is the compiled output) but rather the input. MIDL.EXE is the Microsoft IDL compiler (IDL is "Interface Definition Language). I suspect the problem is the first line: shouldn't it be pulling in nsm.idl, not nsm.odl? Hope that helps! Pat...
  9. gleason

    now how did this happen?

    Crank up the stack allocation by clicking on Project / Settings / Link and in the "Output" category check what your reserved stack is (that's using MSVC++ 6.0). I would suggest setting it to (4 * 200,000)* 2 (2 arrays of 200,000 4-byte integers) plus a little more for "good...
  10. gleason

    Retrieving variables from an INI file

    Assuming you know the section and tag name, it is very simple. For example, to read the following information [My Section] User Name=GLEASON you just need to use the API noted by Keith Brautigam as follows (the third parameter is default data that will be copied into your buffer if...
  11. gleason

    Help with some COM questions

    Here is a chunk of code that I use to import a "pre-packaged" COM .DLL, and we use both properties and methods of the COM object. The #import causes two files (.tlh and .tlb) to be created and used -- the .tlh is similar to a header file and it defines the properties and methods...
  12. gleason

    COM returning objects

    Look up VARIANT in MSDN. You can get a pointer to your object through COM by defining it as VARIANT. Hope that helps! Pat Gleason gleason@megsinet.net
  13. gleason

    how to call _beginthreadex

    Jimmy, _beginthreadex() will only be defined for a "Multithreaded" build. This is done by going into your project settings, and on the C++ tab select the Code Generation category, and on the "Use Run Time Library" drop down, select "Multithreaded". This will...
  14. gleason

    C++ and COM Commnication without MFC

    I think "Tim222" misread the original post which inquired about COM objects, not COM ports. Here is a "quick and dirty" method of doing exactly what you want (without creating an IDL file, etc): 1) Import the executable COM object directly into your C++ source code using...
  15. gleason

    CString to BSTR

    Thanks manish! MSDN says that you can use CString::AllocSysString() to allocate a BSTR from CString data, and you can also use CString::SetSysString() to set an existing BSTR object with data from a CString object. Much better! <p>Pat Gleason<br><a...
  16. gleason

    What is *_iob*

    _iob is a predefined internal array of pointers to any active Input/Output blocks. The first three that are allocated when your program starts up are stdin (also known as _iob[0]), stdout (also known as _iob[1]), and stderr (also known as _iob[2]). So to answer your original question, yes...
  17. gleason

    Sending Mail Messages

    Try adding MAPI32.LIB to your libraries (specified in project / settings). Hope that helps! <p>Pat Gleason<br><a href=mailto:gleason@megsinet.net>gleason@megsinet.net</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
  18. gleason

    assign to VARIANT type

    Look in the MSDN Library under VARIANT or its support class _variant_t. Hope that helps! <p>Pat Gleason<br><a href=mailto:gleason@megsinet.net>gleason@megsinet.net</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
  19. gleason

    pass data structure to a com

    Look in the MSDN Library under VARIANT or its support class _variant_t. Hope that helps! <p>Pat Gleason<br><a href=mailto:gleason@megsinet.net>gleason@megsinet.net</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
  20. gleason

    CString to BSTR

    I would extract the data from the CString using the GetBuffer() function, then create a BSTR using the _bstr_t wrapper class like in this pseudo-code example: function convert (CString input) { char temp[80]; temp = input.GetBuffer(); _bstr_t temp2((const char*)temp); BSTR final =...

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