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Search results for query: *

  1. BillDoor

    Restricting Access to Members of an AD Group

    I'm building a small asp site to allow other members of staff to create advertisements in SMS2003, I've got that part sorted, but I need to restrict certain parts of the site to members of an AD group. I can get the username via: Set objADSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo") strUserName =...
  2. BillDoor

    Executing a DOS command from VBScript

    basically you are trying pipe the results to a file that has a space in the path statement, if you amend the finalcommand statement it should work: finalcommand = command & """" & path & filename & """" or you could simply use command = "CMD /c DIR p:\ /S > ""C:\Documents and...
  3. BillDoor

    WMI slows down boot process

    Normally when you boot up a PC, the Ctrl-Alt-Del screen appears before the operating system has finished loading all the services. Enough has been loaded to enable it to process a logon request but some elements that aren't required for logon may still be loading. By adding a startup script...
  4. BillDoor

    In List Syntax

    There is an In() option in SQL but as far as I know there isn't in VBScript, you try the Select statement: myVar = 3 Select Case myVar Case 1 Wscript.Echo "A single value" Case 2,3,5 Wscript.Echo "Multiple Values" Case Else Wscript.Echo "any other value" End Select
  5. BillDoor

    VBScript read from relative path location

    Try this: Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") xlsFile = WshShell.CurrentDirectory & "\budget_input.xls
  6. BillDoor

    Script to copy data dvd's from multiple drives to a network drive.

    Sounds like a perfect job for Robocopy. It will copy the files and create a log file so you can check if there were problems. Robocopy comes with the Windows Server 2003 resource kit, it is now standard on Windows Vista. You could setup a basic vbscript, using the run command, if you have one...
  7. BillDoor

    Adding Contacts from a spreadsheet

    I had a quick look for the error code 80004005 in google, there are a few different errors, but they seem to point to the field you are trying to write to as being unavailable or un-writeable. Check the values you are attempting to place in this field, make sure that they are suitable. Also...
  8. BillDoor

    Sending an e-mail based on a script I have

    sorry, take out this line: objEmail.Textbody = objEmail.Textbody & vbcrlf it was left over from something I'd done in one of my scripts.
  9. BillDoor

    Sending an e-mail based on a script I have

    The following subroutine will send emails via an SMTP server You can include an attachment by adding this line: objEmail.AddAttachment "C:\file.ext" Sub SendEmail(strTo, strFrom, strSubject, strMsg) schema = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/" SmtpServer = "" '<<< Put your...
  10. BillDoor

    Questions about software installation

    Forgot to add, you will need to set the advertisement to download the install files from the Distribution point.
  11. BillDoor

    Questions about software installation

    Yes, if all the files are in the same folder then you could just use the folder names: msi.InstallProduct "AdobeAcrobatReader8.0AcroRead.msi", "TRANSFORMS=AcroRead.mst" if that doesn't work you can get the script to figure out where it is and insert the path into the function: Set objShell =...
  12. BillDoor

    Probably doing it the hardware. Database question...

    Hi After a bit more testing I have refined the code a bit, you don't need the Set objMatch line tmpStr = " 71836520 72412347 144248867" Wscript.Echo RexReplace(tmpStr, "\s+", vbTab) Function RexReplace(Source, Pattern, Value) Set objRegExp = New RegExp...
  13. BillDoor

    Probably doing it the hardware. Database question...

    You could use a regular expression to search for multiple spaces, then replace those spaces with a Tab, you can then use the split routine on the line. tmpStr = " 71836520 72412347 144248867" 'Setup Regular Expression pattern Set objRegExp = New RegExp...
  14. BillDoor

    how to create sub-folders

    I give my vote to RoboCopy too. It's part of the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools, so it's hardly a third party app. It's a very powerful command line utility, there's no install just copy it to your hard drive. They have now developed a GUI front end to help you generate the command line...
  15. BillDoor

    Logon Scripts and Permissions and Such

    At my firm, we have around 1000 users, and each one of them gets the same mandatory profile. Obviously some software in only available on certain PCs, so for those, we hide the icons in the Start Menu and use the Logon Script to unhide them. The same logon script also applies Current User...
  16. BillDoor

    getting run-time error on a vbscript used in a dts package

    Suspect that its the MSComDlg.CommonDialog that's causing the problem, as far as I know it's not part of the windows OS (I could be wrong) so it's not always available. You could try this instead Set objDialog = CreateObject("UserAccounts.CommonDialog") objDialog.Filter = "All Files|*.*"...
  17. BillDoor

    Problems parsing output using Wshell Exec method

    I'm not familiar with the PSExec tool, however when I've had trouble executing a command, I have usually echoed the command, so that I can test it manually. That way I can see the result first hand and work out if there is anything wrong with the command before tearing apart my script.
  18. BillDoor

    Citrix Presentation Sevrer XP FR3 &amp; SQL 2005

    OK thanks, I'll look into that.
  19. BillDoor

    Citrix Presentation Sevrer XP FR3 &amp; SQL 2005

    Hi I'm fairly new to Citrix, but I have to setup a single Citrix Presentation XP FR3 server on our network, but I need to use an MS SQL 2005 server as the data store. I have tried installing the presentation serevr, but I get an error when I get to the database setup screen. It only seems to be...
  20. BillDoor

    Change only the servername of any currently installed printer?

    Sorry, I haven't got time to put a whole script togther, but hopefully you can use these elements as a starting point. strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject ("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colPrinters = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * From Win32_Printer") For...

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