First you must assign a line to that DN. Then on the DN you want that line to appear or appear/ring. Then on that line there is option under trunk/line data alled rec'd #: set that to the ported digits from your provider.
Or if you have the MICS 4.x book it is page 251.
I have 7 companion phones in our shop and we cannot do the F986 from the companion. It appears to go through, but unlike the deskphone it will not automatically transfer the line when you type F986.
And since Nortel dropped the Companion line, my only source of parts seems to be E-bay. Which...
I have had these same issues twice.
Are you getting any alarms? I was getting 63-xx alarms quite a bit and it turned out it was a bad T-1 card. $$$$ later and the problme was corrected. I had the provider test the T1 for 3 days and they said they saw no errors. So I called euipment provider...
I have had these same issues twice.
Are you getting any alarms? I was getting 63-xx alarms quite a bit and it turned out it was a bad T-1 card. $$$$ later and the problem was corrected. I had the provider test the T1 for 3 days and they said they saw no errors. So I called euipment provider...
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