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Search results for query: *

  1. AppDev76

    How to I dynamically show status

    I, I have an aspx page that on load creates a treeview. Loading the treeview takes a while and I want to show a message that the treeview is being loaded. Coming from windows forms I tried to do this: code: Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)...
  2. AppDev76

    Treeview: tree does not appear / data does

    ISPrincess, Hi. I am having almost the same problem and was wondering if you were able to fix it. In my case everything works fine on the dev machine (the tree view works fine). But when I moved it to the production server, the treeview won't apear and only the data does (I have created the dll...
  3. AppDev76

    Build Server Controls Dynamically

    Never mind, I figured out how to do it: System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "qa"+Reader["QuestionID"].ToString(); tb.TextMode=System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBoxMode.MultiLine; tb.Height=50; tb.Width=220; Acell.Controls.Add(tb);
  4. AppDev76

    Build Server Controls Dynamically

    Hi, I am building a webpage for Surveys. I have many surveys and Each survey has many questions that change periodically. I want to build the survey pages so that the questions are displayed dynamically by reading from a database. Thats not a problem. The problem is that I have to create server...
  5. AppDev76

    How to call an ASP.NET Subroutine from a javascript function

    cesark, I was wondering if you ever found the solution cause I am facing the similar problem. I have a list box that I add items to it using java script, but when I use any server controls on the page (like calendar) the value go away! I need to invoke a C# function using java script so that I...
  6. AppDev76

    upgrade from Home to Pro causes fan to work constantly

    Thanks, thats what I just did and it solved the problem.
  7. AppDev76

    upgrade from Home to Pro causes fan to work constantly

    Thanks guys, I havn't touched the BIOS, I just used windows cd to do the fresh install, but I'm thinking that I may need to upgrade the BIOS. The other option is to use a fan utility to control it. Thanks
  8. AppDev76

    upgrade from Home to Pro causes fan to work constantly

    Thanks, I was wondering if there is some sort of settings in XP Pro that controls the fans.
  9. AppDev76

    upgrade from Home to Pro causes fan to work constantly

    Hi, I am having a strange problem. I have a SONY-VAIO PCV RX560. I wanted to upgrade it from XP Home to XP pro. The problem is that after upgrading to Pro (fresh install) the computer fan is working non stop! It used to work for a couple of minutes and then stop. The first time that I did the...
  10. AppDev76

    Passing an ntext parameter to a Stored Procedure

    Thanks for the fast reply! We've decided to do the exact same thing (##global temp table) I use SQL Server with ASP.NET and pass text fields with no problem, but I guess the temp table is better in this case. Thanks
  11. AppDev76

    Passing an ntext parameter to a Stored Procedure

    Hi, I have 2 sql server. A stored procedure on each. Stored procedure on server 1 needs to pass an ntext variable to sp on server 2 (this ntext parameter is basically an XML string). The problem is that since I can't declare a local varaible as ntext inside a stored procedure, I can't pass it to...
  12. AppDev76

    using the Deleted and Inserted tables

    Thanks for the fast response
  13. AppDev76

    using the Deleted and Inserted tables

    Hi, is it possible to use the Inserted and Deleted tables in a stored procedure or they can only be used with triggers? Thanks
  14. AppDev76

    How to hit a url without openning IE

    Never mind, I used MSXML2 Function Main() Dim xmlhttp Dim result Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") xmlhttp.Open "GET", "myurl",true xmlhttp.Send Do While xmlhttp.readyState <> 4 Loop If Err.Number>0 Then Main=DTSTaskExecResult_Failure Else Main=...
  15. AppDev76

    How to hit a url without openning IE

    Hi, I have a package set up on a SQL Server, the first step is to hit an asp page. I initialy had the following vbscript code (under an Active X script task): ----------------- Function Main() Set ae = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.application.1") ae.visible=false ae.Navigate "http://myurl"...
  16. AppDev76

    text document to sql

    SQL Sister, I have a similar case and I was wondering if you have seen any performance difference using the NOT IN(SELECT...) or joiing the tables with a WHERE condition of table.PK IS NULL? Thanks
  17. AppDev76

    Passing a recordset to a stored procedure

    Thanks alot. I appreciate your help
  18. AppDev76

    Passing a recordset to a stored procedure

    NoCoolHandle, thanks for the quick reply. 1. As far as I know you can use a table type variable in a SP but you can't pass it as a paramter. 2. I am really new to ADO.Net and therefore don't completly understand what you mean by mapping the datatable to table on SQL Server. I need to pass the...
  19. AppDev76

    Passing a recordset to a stored procedure

    Hi, I need to pass a recordset to a stored Procedure. Basically I'm retriving a set or records from a third-party application using API calls. I stored the returned set in a datatable. Now what I need to do is to pass these values to a stored Procedure , do some processing and then return the...
  20. AppDev76

    Databases won't appear in Enterprise Manager list

    Hi, I have a SQL Server (MSDE version) running on a remote server. Using the server ip address and sa account I have registered it in Enterprise Manager. It was working fine for a couple of month, but lately when I open enterprise manager the databases won't appear in the list;not even the...

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