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Search results for query: *

  1. issahar

    Need an urgent help. Windows CE 5.0. Directx using .NEt is not working

    Hello! I need an urgent help. Is somebody here that succeeded to run any DirectX appliction using .NET on Windows CE 5.0. I created DirectX windows CE 5.0 image, I installed DirectX 9.0 SDK on my computers, Tried to run one of the microsoft .NET directx samples. The application doesn't succeed...
  2. issahar

    Inserted large strings in CLOB column.

    Hi! I used this sprintf template for strings till 32000 length: BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'Declare newHsRecID NUMBER(10); bigNewValue VARCHAR2(32000); BEGIN bigNewValue:=SUBSTR(''%s'', 1, 32000); insert into TABLE1 (ID, DATA) values (SEQ.NextVal, bigNewValue)...
  3. issahar

    Help required with insert statement

    May be this will help(I have no Oracle in my station to test it): Insert into ESP_MET_DATA VALUES ( 1165,to_date(' 1/1/2001', 'mm/dd/YYYY'),to_date(' 2/1/2001', 'mm/dd/YYYY'), 1,LTRIM(RTRIM(' Greenville-S''burg, South Carolina '))...
  4. issahar

    Why doesn't this SQL statement work?

    Hi, Try something like: SELECT ApprLevel, AssignTo, VendorName, DeptName, PreparedBy, OnBehalfOf, CreationDate, Indicator FROM v_Tardy_Docs WHERE PreparedBy = 'Bill Harris' OR OnBehalfOf = 'Bill Harris' AND CreationDate <= TO_DATE('09-jul-2003','DD/MM/YYYY') Issahar Noam Gourfinkel senior...
  5. issahar

    Hello all, I have a snowflake di

    You can use view as data source for your dimension and in this view you will care about distinct rows, e.g. CREATE VIEW dbo.VIEW1 AS SELECT distinct Units.SectionName, Units.UnitName FROM Units, Sections WHERE Units.SectionName = Sections.SectionName and base your dimension on this view and...
  6. issahar

    distinct counts on measures

    Hi, This example I have got from my good fried...it will be marked by green...I don't want to take the ownership on solution that I have not discovered :): This example illustrates how to use distinct count on SqlServer 7.0 - SqlServer 2000 has the function and it works much faster (x100) If...
  7. issahar

    Can Fact Table be a view?

    one little warning about views: if you produce some values in your view - your cleansing will be much more difficult...and even impossible in some cases... because you cannot set values to views... Issahar senior software engineer http://www.softwatch.com Israel
  8. issahar

    This is what I am getting when tryi

    ..sorry, one mistake Dim l_oCellSet As New ADOMD.Cellset and not Dim l_oCellSet As ADOMD.Cellset Issahar senior software engineer http://www.softwatch.com Israel
  9. issahar

    This is what I am getting when tryi

    Hi, RPredrag! Use ADOMD and not ADODB, using the next syntax: Dim l_oCellSet As ADOMD.Cellset l_oCellSet.Open <<yourQuery>>, <<yourConnectionString>> Issahar senior software engineer http://www.softwatch.com Israel
  10. issahar

    Processing a cube with DTS

    ...May be reboot will help?? :) Issahar senior software engineer http://www.softwatch.com Israel
  11. issahar

    Processing a cube with DTS

    It never happened to me, bless to G-d. :) May be it will help to reinstall the SQL server and the OLAP. ...and don't forget the next fact: when you have installed the OLAP Service pack , the dts support for this service pack is still not installed - you must run the file DTSTasks.exe to...
  12. issahar

    Running Totals

    Hi Katams! basing on FoodMart 2000 demo you can try the next... Select {[Measures].[Sales Count], [Measures].[Store Sales]} ON COLUMNS, {Descendants([Store],[Store].[Store Name]),[Store].[All Stores]} ON ROWS FROM Sales WHERE ([Time].[1997]) Please notify me if it helped you... Have a nice...
  13. issahar

    Processing a cube with DTS

    I think I know why it is happening the user that your SQL Server Agent is using must be part of the OLAP Administrators group Please, go to the SQLServerAgent service in services panel and open it settings and see which user it is using. If is system account - fix it to be user that is OLAP...
  14. issahar

    Filtros en MDX

    perdoname por mi poble espanol pero usted no puede usar sentencia como '<20' en la clausula 'WHERE' Para hacerlo usted tiene que usar funcion 'Filter' Issahar senior software engineer http://www.softwatch.com
  15. issahar

    Sum parent's value (distinct)

    May be you can think about next solution(not very nice but may be..): (i don't know the names of your fields so I supposed their names to be orderID and numProducts. create 2 views: first view 'view1': Select orderId, numProducts from ORDER UNION Select orderId, numProducts from ORDER LINE...
  16. issahar

    FirstChild ...

    Can you send the full MDX query that you are using? Good luck Issahar senior software engineer http://www.softwatch.com
  17. issahar

    SQL Server Analysis Services - Negative Numbers being Ignored

    please, describe your cube's structure. so I may be will be able to help Do the negative values completely not influence on the results of the SUM? May be check that your rows with negative data has any additional characteristic that is used as data source for some another dimension? Good...
  18. issahar

    Does anyone know how to turn off Sorting for Time dimension?

    I think that I know what is your problem: in every level of your time dimension the key data type property must be numeric, e.g. integer, so your data will be sorted by numeric order. I guess that currently your key data type is char or varchar. Thanks Issahar senior software engineer...
  19. issahar

    Nightly processing of OLAP cubes...

    Dear Phil. 7.0 has the DTS Components for processing cubes if you don't have them - you should run the DTSTasks.exe of the Service Pack 3 of the OLAP 7. (I am pretty sure that this will fix your problem) please, notify me if it helped you. Thanks Issahar senior software engineer...
  20. issahar

    Dimension Levels

    Hi, Sam I don't think is it a duplication because the virtual dimension is not a fisical storage unit but only logic(I treat this like 'shortcut') What do you mean in 'multiple hierarchy'? Have a nice day. Issahar senior software engineer http://www.softwatch.com

Part and Inventory Search
