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Search results for query: *

  1. HogHunter

    DNS Not Resolving

    Unfortunately, I needed to fix that domain so I moved the DNS to another DNS server that I knew was working. With that in mind, I do have a similar domain that is not working, SEEMUG.COM. It is managed via the same DNS server that the other one was. By the way, thanks for the input.
  2. HogHunter

    DNS Not Resolving

    Last night my hosting facility changed backend providers. I got a slew of new IP addresses. Well everything is working fine for those Domains that are not being managed on my internal DNS machines. The ones that I have on my DNS timeout before responding. I checked and if I directly query...
  3. HogHunter

    SQL 2005 Database Mail Shutting Down

    Yes it does, my question / problem is where does the behavior for error handling occur? Is it configurable? If so, how? I ave search a large number of books on this topic an not found one that addresses database mail much further than how to configure it out of the box. I have it going with...
  4. HogHunter

    SQL 2005 Database Mail Shutting Down

    I have setup database mail on my SQL 2005 server. It works fine. I am using it to send subscription mail. If the email addresses are good, it works fine. If there is a bad email address rather then skipping that email address, it shuts down and quits the rest of the process. Is there a way...
  5. HogHunter

    Apache/Perl installation problem

    I am trying to install Apache / Perl / PHP and MySQL on my Windows machine. I am trying to follow the instructions I found at http://www.ricocheting.com/server/index.html but I can't get past the perl install. When I try to load the printenv.pl file, I get errors that say: The system cannot...
  6. HogHunter

    Retaining purged data

    I totally agree with the concept of using surrogate keys (SKs). We use them exclusively but only on the dimensional side. In the facts, we combine the SKs to make up the primary key (PK). We never, ever use natural keys as primary keys on the warehouse. I guess I didn't make that clear. It...
  7. HogHunter

    Cannot copy table between servers

    I agree that you ought to look at your transaction log whenever performance suddenly changes. How large are the tables you are copying? Are you copying the entire table or selected rows? You may want to do a two phase process for moving the data. Many ETL products work this way. Export the...
  8. HogHunter

    Convincing Boss of SQL Server over MySQL

    Before you judge MySQL too harshly look at the book MySQL Enterprise Solutions. It discusses how some very large organizations are effectively using MySQL for their enterprise level servers. I am a MS SQL fan. I am a MS parner and I support many MS SQL implementations. So don't take this as...
  9. HogHunter

    change the order

    Can you determine how the data is being queried? Look in the .ASP files a see if you can find a "SELECT" statement. If you can, is there a ORDER BY clause? If so, you can change the sort order by altering the ORDER BY clause. Otherwise, it may be that the ASP page is calling a stored...
  10. HogHunter

    Multiple Count in a View

    Both Query Designer and Query Analyzer offer you opprotunites to screw up. :-) Unless you are issuing commands you do not know about you should be ok in Query Analyzer. Especially if you stick to SELECT statements. The benefit of using QA is that it forces you to write the statements and...
  11. HogHunter

    Multiple Count in a View

    From a design perspective, I would recommend that you store NULLs not blanks so the data can be ignored.
  12. HogHunter

    Retaining purged data

    We have a star schema data warehouse that has an order fact that we update nightly. We use the natural key from the source (Order Number) to locate the fact row and apply changes. The source system is preparing to purge old orders so they can reuse order numbers. They will maintain a table...
  13. HogHunter

    Alternative Type 2 Slowly Changing Dimension (Star Schema)

    John Herman I agree with your assessment, having said that, do you see any issues with the design? Thanks again, Thom
  14. HogHunter

    Alternative Type 2 Slowly Changing Dimension (Star Schema)

    Anand, Thanks again for your reply. I don't know that I agree with your definition of a conformed dimension. Laura Reeves, who co-authored Kimball's The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit gives the following definition in her class at TDWI: Conformed Dimension - A dimension that is shared...
  15. HogHunter

    Alternative Type 2 Slowly Changing Dimension (Star Schema)

    Anand, Thanks for you comments, I wonder why you say the solution I outlined implies there will no longer be a conformed dimension. In fact, that was the very reason I was willing to go through the effort. In the case of, the type 1 side, the dimension conforms to the type side because they...
  16. HogHunter

    Alternative Type 2 Slowly Changing Dimension (Star Schema)

    Views vs. multiple tables Views are slower even with indexing. If ETL complexity and space are the only costs, I can mitigate those concerns easier then the cost to performance. Space is cheap and dimensions are typically the smaller elements of the warehouse. Therefore multiplying their size...
  17. HogHunter

    Alternative Type 2 Slowly Changing Dimension (Star Schema)

    MDXer, The uniqueness would then be lost after the third edit to the record. Or else, one version of the record would be lost.
  18. HogHunter

    Alternative Type 2 Slowly Changing Dimension (Star Schema)

    In your example, what is the primary key to the table? It cannot be VendorID because there is no uniqueness. On the point of simplicity, I believe two tables while more difficult to manage from an ETL perspective, are actually easier from a user perspective. The reason is that the facts...
  19. HogHunter

    Alternative Type 2 Slowly Changing Dimension (Star Schema)

    We are implementing this as two physically structures. The reasoning being that there are many facts that will only need the Type 1 dimension. A view still has to deal with the rows by excluding them and this would impact performance. Space is so cheap that we do not mind consuming it. As...
  20. HogHunter

    Alternative Type 2 Slowly Changing Dimension (Star Schema)

    How Should We Implement A Slowly Changing Dimension? Currently, our data warehouse has only Type 1 Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCD). That is to say we overwrite the dimension record with every update. The problem with that is when data changes, it changes for all history while this is valid...

Part and Inventory Search
