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Search results for query: *

  1. winston1984

    Report Splits Up Rows

    Sorry the website is down, here is a link for the sample: Sample Here
  2. winston1984

    Report Splits Up Rows

    I have a report which takes from my db details about products, a picture image name and header and price. It does this by having a subreport with the product info in 3 columns and then that is put in another report with its group heading. I puts these all on a page and sort and group by their...
  3. winston1984

    MIN() Over Multiple Columns

    it doesn't limit the results in any way, it still brings back the 0.0's.
  4. winston1984

    MIN() Over Multiple Columns

    Unfortunately that is not possible, as I am getting other products as well, here is my query. I need to filter to products > 0.0 in BlowOutNett without touching the WHERE clause: SELECT LEAST(SterlingTradeGross , CASE WHEN BlowOutNett <= 0.0 THEN 9999999 ELSE BlowOutNett END...
  5. winston1984

    MIN() Over Multiple Columns

    Thats great, Least is what I was after. However, there's a BUT... Some of the values in the BlowutNett field are 0.0 (float), I want to ignore these, any ideas?
  6. winston1984

    MIN() Over Multiple Columns

    I need to find out how to find the minimum value usig a query over three columns: SterlingTradeGross BlowOutNett SterlingTradeQGross These are the three columns, I need a query which calculates the minimum value from all of these, how do I do it?
  7. winston1984

    Menu Over Two Columns

    In Javascript I have a menu which on hover or a table cell a layer appears and fills with data from a db. I want it so that if this column is more that 20 items another column appears next to it and fills that with data. Can anyone point me in the directions of a tutorial or a way to do this?
  8. winston1984

    Showing A Part In More Than One Place

    I only have one instance of a Product in the database. Each part has a partNumber, etc, and a ProdGroup ( a 4 digit numerical number corresponding to a Grouping, e.g. Handlebars ), then two more fields are DuplicateGroup1 and DuplicateGroup2. These are 4 digit numerics as well. For example, a...
  9. winston1984

    Showing A Product In More Than One Place On Report.

    I only have one instance of a Product in the database. Each part has a partNumber, etc, and a ProdGroup ( a 4 digit numerical number corresponding to a Grouping, e.g. Handlebars ), then two more fields are DuplicateGroup1 and DuplicateGroup2. These are 4 digit numerics as well. For example, a...
  10. winston1984

    MYSQL returns nothing after a space

    I have a piece fo code (below) which lists all the brands from a mySQL database. However, one of the brands has a space it it, it is '4 STAR', it only returns the '4', not the 'STAR', why is this? It is stored as varchar in the database. <? if ($currGroup != '') { $query = "SELECT DISTINCT...
  11. winston1984


    I have a DTS package that connect to the database, uses a select command to get the required data and puts it in a Rowset global variable. Then I have a connection to a MYSQL database, where I take the value of the rowset and delete the values from the table in the mysql database. If I use the...
  12. winston1984

    That annoying gap after a form

    I have the following code creating a form for user login. there is a gap below the buttons that causes the table to be larger than I want. how can I remove it? <td class="redborder"><form action="login.php" method="get" name="loginform"><p class="menutext">Username<br> <input...
  13. winston1984

    CDO's Email Sends to one address and not other.

    I have the code below, now if I sent the sub email to lewis@lharvey.com, it works fine, but sending to anything@ison-distribution.com it doesn't. Norton won't even scan it on the way out. The only difference in addresses is that the ison ones are forwarded and not email accounts, any ideas...
  14. winston1984

    Repeating Data Wrongly

    Why is this repeating the values, they should be differently listed, but after a point it just repeats them. I have tried putting a strRecord = "" in after the first loop and it just prints nothing. '********************************************************************** ' Visual Basic ActiveX...
  15. winston1984

    Issue with retrieving data

    I have the following query. i want to check that the two prices are either the same or with two pence of each other either side, any ideas? SELECT Ison7.SystemLC, Stock.TotalLandedCost, Ison7.IDPartNumber, Stock.IDPartNumber AS Expr1 FROM Ison7 INNER JOIN Stock...
  16. winston1984

    Email Attachment Not There

    I have the following code, but everything works well, except there is no attachment. The file exists afterwards but it just doesn't attach it. Function Main() On Error Resume Next dim strRecord dim strEmailBody dim objFSO dim objStream dim objMail dim objResults dim strFileToAttach...
  17. winston1984

    Finding top values

    I was going to do this using an SQL query but decided better of it. I have a database which cannot be changed, structure: Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Phil 3 4 5 2 5 0 4 3 2 1 29 I am happy to create the total dynamically on the page, however, this is a league table...

Part and Inventory Search
