Hi! How do you automate the installation of a System DSN? Because we are trying to deploy an application with an MS Access frontend and a SQL server backend and it is a pain going to each PC in the company to put the System Data Source, thanks!
Yup, this is really a hard one to crack, the links were working fine a few weeks ago, now, it suddenly stops working unless I have to restart SQL server, this is really a headache for us, another Microsoft feature I suppose..
I encountered this error when looking at my Linked Servers (which are connected to MS Access databases on the network)
Error 7399: OLE DB provider 'Micirosft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' reported an error.
OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' IDBInitialize::Initialize::Initialize...
Hi! Thanks for the reply, I looked at the link, and it seems to refer to a Security patch MS03-031, it doesn't seem to refer to this particular problem, is this the correct patch? Thanks!
Hi, has anybody encountered this error? It appears in my SQL Server Logs, how do you look for Scheduler 0? I looked in the SQL Jobs, but could not find it :(
Error: 17883, Severity: 1, State: 0
The Scheduler 0 appears to be hung. SPID 0, ECID 0, UMS Context 0x03B78900.
Also, is there a connection timeout setting for linked server? Because I was thinking that our MS Access database is located on a separate server and everytime it backups, our network connection to that server seems to be disconnected, thanks for any help
I made a linked server to a MS Access database located on an NT server, I have the same login name and password on my SQL server with the NT server so I am guessing that is why I am able to connect to the MS Access database on the NT Server, my question is that every morning, the connection...
Thanks for help, I wanted to know if a particular column in a row has been updated then run this trigger, I'll check BOL for those functions and try to figure this out :D thanks for the help!
how would you do that? I mean how would you do a trigger that would update like a 'updated_date' field, everytime a particular row is updated? thanks!
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