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Search results for query: *

  1. redeemasp

    Adding folders to outlook 2003 using .Net

    I get know error message. I compile and run, and I get a blank page, meaning its been run. Why would the folder not be created?
  2. redeemasp

    Adding folders to outlook 2003 using .Net

    Hi there I'm trying to add folders into .Net, but failing everytime. here is my code. Dim objOutlook As New Outlook.Application Dim objNS As Outlook._NameSpace = objOutlook.Session Dim objTasks As Outlook.MAPIFolder =...
  3. redeemasp

    Create directrory structure on Network

    here you go. A simple directory creation: Dim selection As String = ddlProjectlist.SelectedItem.Text() Dim folderchoice As String Select Case (selection) Case 11111 folderchoice = "Contractual" Case 11112...
  4. redeemasp

    Create directrory structure on Network

    Hi there I've wrote a piece of code that creates directory structure on a network. I've tested this on my local drive and it creates the folder fine. When I can the path to the network path, I keep getting an 'could not find the path' error. I've check my acces rights to the network and they...
  5. redeemasp

    Colouring variables

    How would that work if you have a shared variable that you could not distinguish. e.g. if you had a number that was only distinguish when you see if its a null e.g. If isnull({ORC_get_O31NetSales.NetSales}) then ( numRevenue := "£" & totext({AMGR_Opportunity.Forecast_Revenue}); //...
  6. redeemasp

    Colouring variables

    I've a straightforward if if isnull({ORC_get_O07MarketingLead.Description}) then ( strMarketingindicator := "No" ) Else strMarketingindicator := "Yes"; Wanting to colour in Crystal according to yes or no. I tried color (R/g/b) no luck. Is there another way? Redeem.
  7. redeemasp

    Simple IIF not executing the Else statement

    I use: IIF ({ORC_get_O07MarketingLead.Description} = 'Marketing Lead', "Yes", "No") When variable is other than Marketing Lead, the second part of the statement (else) does not perform. So I get either Yes, or Blank (instead of No). Any ideas? Thanks Redeem
  8. redeemasp

    Cannot read error messages from server

    Because I should have to remote terminal into the server to debug the app. All my other app I can do it from my local PC. My web.config is okay, Virtual Dir is set up, and permissions on the folders are fine. Any ideas on how to fix?
  9. redeemasp

    Cannot read error messages from server

    The <customErrors mode="Off" /> is already in my web.config. I can view the error message on the server, but not on my PC or any PC's accessing the server? any idea? are the extra configuations needed?
  10. redeemasp

    Cannot read error messages from server

    I've deployed an asp.net application to a server, but receive the following message, thus not allowing me to see the errors. What do I need to config to get the error messages. Error message is: Server Error in '/Admin' Application...
  11. redeemasp

    What wrong with my where statement for looking for dates?

    This works now WHERE (ORC_get_O28CreatedDate.DateCol > convert(datetime,'01-11-2004', 103)) AND (ORC_get_O28CreatedDate.DateCol < convert(datetime,'11-01-2005',103)) Problem gives back different results. :/
  12. redeemasp

    What wrong with my where statement for looking for dates?

    Here's my statement: WHERE (AMGR_Opportunity.Create_Date BETWEEN CONVERT(datetime, '01/11/2004') AND CONVERT(datetime, '11/01/2005') Lee
  13. redeemasp

    Aggregate function/groupby clause error

    Hi there I keep getting a 'dbo.AMGR_Client.Contact_Number is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in an aggregate funtion or a GROUP BY clause.' I want to count all the client names in all of the dbo.ORC_get_G01AccountStatus.Description but get the above error. Any ideas...
  14. redeemasp

    Can Datagrid be like tables?

    Hi Modica, Let say you create a grid with 3 columns of data. I wanted that data to then be split so it produced 2x3 colums of data, the same data, just double the amount of it. Any tip on how this could be done? regards Lee.
  15. redeemasp

    Can Datagrid be like tables?

    you dthere Rob?
  16. redeemasp

    Can Datagrid be like tables?

    Visual Studio.Net 2003 using asp.net/vb.net and SQL server.
  17. redeemasp

    Can Datagrid be like tables?

    Okay, any tips ?
  18. redeemasp

    Can Datagrid be like tables?

    I've 3 columns of data with 15 row. I want to display my display it as 6 columns with 8 row, so to fix the grid across the screen. Can this be done on format? Or does this need to be programmed? Lee
  19. redeemasp

    How to increase limit on Parameters

    Thanks Madawc, but I got it working from dgillz; I missed out a registry key; well the key didn't save for some reason. Anyway the 1000's of data items are now coming in fine into the drop down box. Cheers
  20. redeemasp

    How to increase limit on Parameters

    Hi, I changed the value in the registry from 500 to 50000. Rebooting my windows 2000 PC, when back into crystal reports, and try to reload all my company names. Still it only loaded a minimal amount and not all the company names. Any ideas?

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