Well it appears to continue looking at the file your tailing. So it reads the last 10 lines of the file then sleeps for a second and then does it again. If something has been appended to the file since it's last run it will print those lines after the last ten lines of the previous run. I...
What I usually do is head the file. Thus "head -# corefile" this will give you the first # of lines of the file. You can usually get an idea of what caused the core file in the first 25 lines or so.
Good luck,
I would try to install one card and get it running, maybe the tcp/ip part. Then install a second card of a different type, say a 3com or something. It may be possible that 2 cards by the manufacturer in question are not supported for some reason. Maybe a bad driver. 3com cards should work...
I have been playing with the Sophos a bit. It seems to work fine and I think it uses the Mcafee data base wich you can setup to automatically download with cron. They do not yet provide the automatic checking of inbound e-mail right out of the box. At least not the last time I checked...
Here is what I can add, maybe it will help. I have a 6.2 setup and here is the settings I used. In /etc/resolv.conf I have the lines:
search yourdomain.com
nameserver xxx.xxx.xxx.123
In my /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 I put the other info. Such as my ip (make sure it is allowed...
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