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Search results for query: *

  1. BSC5905

    Calculating a date using DateDiff Function

    I’m trying to calculate the length of service of employees by using the DateDiff Function in a query and have the results displayed in a report. The expression that I am using is: Length of Service: DateDiff("yyyy",[tblDA]![HireDate], Now()) The expression works fine and displays in the...
  2. BSC5905

    Report Grouping Problem

    I have created a data base that consists of two tables. The first table is “Table of Employees” which consists of the employee’s personal information. The second table is “Table of Department” which consists of the employee’s company/department information. I created a query based on the...
  3. BSC5905

    Dual Input Mask for a field

    Is there a way to apply a dual “Input Mask” to a field in a table? The data is the location of employee’s cubes and offices. We use two different formats. The Input Mask that I am using are: >L0-000 - Office location format. >L0-L000 - Cube location format. Example: A2-123 B2-B308 Or could...
  4. BSC5905

    Display data in a Report

    In a report I have a field that contains no data because “Allow Zero Length” is set to yes. This I expected. Is there a way on the report or the query which the report is based on to create an expression that will display “N/A” or any other text that I choose to be displayed when there is no...
  5. BSC5905

    Calculating the total amount of working days between two dates

    Sorry for the wrong terminolgy but the 5 features that I listed above are controls on a form. As for the two date controls on the form, “txtCR_SubmittedDate", and "txtCR_ClosureDate" there data types in the uderlying table are set to date/time. So is it posible to calculate the amount of...
  6. BSC5905

    Calculating the total amount of working days between two dates

    I have created a table that consists of 5 fields. Three of the fields are text boxes and the other two are combo boxes. The two text boxes, “txtCR_SubmittedDate” and “txtCR_ClosureDate” are date fields. Listed below are the 5 fields that I mentioned above. txtCR_Number txtCR_SubmittedDate...
  7. BSC5905

    Date Conditions on a form

    I have a table that has three date fields. They are: CR_SubmittedDate CR_RoutingDate CR_ApprovalDate I need assure that when the dates are entered in a text box on a form they meet the following condition: The “CR_SubmittedDate” must be less than or equal to the “CR_RoutingDate”, and the...
  8. BSC5905

    How do I add new fields to an existing form

    I have created a form based on a table. I have added some new fields to the underlying table. I would like to add these new fields to the existing form. Can I do this with out recreating the form?
  9. BSC5905

    Triple State Yes/No Check Box

    I am trying to use the Triple State of a Yes/No Check box. When I change the check box Triple State from “No” to “Yes” on the “Data Tab” in form design review, the check box does not work or function properly. The check box will not toggle through its three states. Is there something I need...
  10. BSC5905

    Add mutiple record to a table at once

    What I need to do is to enter 25 Technicians who has been trained on the same Test Method into the same table all at once. I have created a form named “frmTrainingRecords” based on a table called “tblTrainingRecords”to enter the data. The table “tblTrainingRecords” consists of the following...
  11. BSC5905

    Replace System Error Message

    Is it posible to replace the system error message with a custom define message when ever the primary key is violated? (ie duplicated records)
  12. BSC5905

    Command Button Appearance

    I am currently running Microsoft Access 2003 and Windows XP. One day all of my command buttons changed shapes. The buttons appearance changed from the smooth round edges to the boxy square edges. Is it something that I inadvertently set to make this happen? If so how do I change them back so...
  13. BSC5905

    Create form base on query and print a report

    I created the form but I do not know how to create the combo box and set a filter in the AfterUpdate-event of the combo box. Could you please give me more detail on how to do this. Thank you very much for your assistance.
  14. BSC5905

    Create form base on query and print a report

    How do I to create a form based on my qryTrainingRecords. On the form I want to use a lookup combo box which filters the TestMethID. I would also like to add two additional command buttons. One that will allow me to preview the report before printing and one to print the report.
  15. BSC5905

    Create form base on query and print a report

    I'm currently building a database to track employees that have been trained on certain test procedures. So that I can track who has been qualified to perform certain test. I have created three tables. They are, Table of Technicians, Table of Test Methods, and Table of Training Records...
  16. BSC5905

    Querry based on a filter

    Is there away to create a form based on a query. Then add a combo box to filter the the query and then print the results of the filterd data? In other words in the criteria section of the Query design view window, can I create a combo box to use a a filter. Then create a form of the query and...
  17. BSC5905

    Multiple choice in Option Group

    How do I create an option group where I can select more than 1 option?
  18. BSC5905

    Multiple choice in Option Group

    How do display all of the chemicals as a group on a form and select as many of the options (chemicals) that are displayed.
  19. BSC5905

    Multiple choice in Option Group

    The Option Group is for chemical use. The operator will select by checking all a box that applies to him/her. The check box would be on the left side of each option. CHEMICAL USE HISTORY Alcohol Heroin Crack Cocaine Marijuana Hallucinogens LPCP Benzodiazepines Sedatives Inhalants Barbiturates...
  20. BSC5905

    Multiple choice in Option Group

    In my database I need the user’s to select multiple choices from an Option Group. For example, the Option Group has 30 choices. The operator can chose from 0 to all 30 choices. Once the user has made there selection, I will need to query only the selected data and put it in a report. My...

Part and Inventory Search
