Thnx, I can write to a textstream and wrap it with a StringBuilder, then call sb.ToString to retrieve the XML and then manually insert the XML Declaration.
Now my issue is that the ds also strips out the namespace attribute of the root element.
I don't think I am going to be able to use the...
Is there not a way to specify that a DataSet should Preserve the XML Declaration when calling DataSet.GetXml ?
I am using the DataSet only to Merge 2 XML strings.
After I merge the 2 dataSets, I then Call ds.GetXml to return the XML string with all the records merged into it.
I then pass...
Can I filter a Template Match by a global Param?
This First Code block Works:, but the seconds does not and the Only Difference between the two is the first has the filter hard-coded the second tries to use the param value.
<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"...
I am assuming this is for a solution that you will deploying to clients?
What specifically are you wanting to restrict?
Complete access to source code?
If so, why?
If you want to restrict the ability of the client to 'bolt-on' new features, then I suggest refactoring your design into a 3...
Right, but in those cases the assignment and comparison operators are different.
Typically, I agree readabilty trumps shorthand.
That said, in this specific case, I think it is fairly self-evident what is happening (as long as you wrap the entire operation in parens).
The most basic operator is the equality operator (in VBScript it is = )
Which will compare 2 values of the same type, and return a boolean
Consider this Code:
Dim Age1, Age2, Age3
Age1 = 34
Age2 = 35
Age3 = 34
<%= Age1 = Age2 %>
<%= Age1 = Age3 %>
No, you are way off.
uCase(Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD")) = "POST"
Will return a boolean, either true if it matches, or false if it does not.
Basically, my one line of code is the same as:
If (uCase(Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD")) = "POST") = True Then
If they are hitting a button, the page is then a postback, no?
Dim isPostBack
isPostBack = uCase(Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD")) = "POST"
If is PostBack Then
'Page has been posted
'Page has not been posted
End IF
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