sweet, thanks for the help!!
i found this tutorial which is what i'm looking for...
i think the only difference is that with the tutorial the animation plays in reverse as soon as you rollOut...thanks for...
hey all,
i need some help, i know this has been done, so hopefullly someone can just point me to a tutorial...
i want to create an animation that happens when you rollover an item, that also plays in reverse if you rollout.
to give you a simple example of what i want: imagine three circles in...
thanks so much for helping me! - unfortunately it gives me an 'error on page' error at the bottom when i click on the image with that code....
let me give you some more of the code...
<a href="javascript:;"...
I think I tried that but it didn't work...here's a piece of the code:
<map name="Map02"><area alt="" coords="0,0,400,295" href="javascript:popupWin('popup_ranch_02.html','ranch','690','432')"></map>
where would i put the 'return false' ?
Okay, I guess the real problem is this:
The popup window has a reload function in it that refreshes the parent page, but whenever I take it out the javscript stops working on the parent page, so that when i rollover a thumbnail the large image won't appear...
Any thoughts?
Please help!!
please help me...i have a project page with thumbnails and some thumbnails have popups - when you click on a popup however the background page will refresh and take you back to the beginning and you'll lose your place...
for example:
Hello all,
For the home page of my site there is a main image displayed. What I would like to do is have 5-10 images on the site that will randomly load whenever someone visits.
It doesn't need to be a slideshow - When someone visits they see image1, but then the next time they go they see...
The search tab is down so I'll just have to ask...does anyone know how to make a flash calendar that can be displayed over the web which the client can add notes and events to each day (in other words so I don't have to update it every week...)
I'm not sure I completely understand...
Is it an image? If so, make sure your image is 72 dpi...even if its 770px wide it will scale down or up depending on the dpi...at least that's what I've found....
I have a flash site that has a contact me page using cold fusion...when a user submits something it uses the .cfm file to email me the users comments and is routed through our ftp server.
over time though we've started to get daily virus emails being sent to that e-mail address so I was...
i'm using the popup windows extension in flash which uses javascript, but there's nothing about giving focus to the window....is it an easy line of script?
is there a flash script or html code that will bring up a popup window to the front?
a user has a web browser full screen and clicks a link to a video that pops up in its own window. after seeing the video the user continues to browse the original site which places popup in the...
i'm working on a site that has videos of various formats, one being an mpeg....i want the mpg to be downloaded locally.
is there a way i can cue the 'save target as' in flash instead of just saying, get url?
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