ok, Thanks for response.
But with this method i cannot deny acces to specific applications or drives, for example. Must I design another template for this ?
I have 100 workstations running Windows XP Pro in a Workgroup, not in a domain. I must deny access of regular users to some applications and resources. I made this on 1 PC through Global Policy Editor (gpedit.msc). Is there any way to export those settings and import them on every PC in...
I'm using CCM 3.2, with DC Directory.
I have one little question: on DC Directory Admin, I can add information about users: name, fax, telephone number, location, address, picture etc. If I try to find a user on 7960 IP Phone, I can only see Name, Last Name and Telephone number of the...
Yes, but I want something like SDK. The problem is that on Cisco site I found only SDK for CallManager 3.3, and I'm running CallManager 3.2. Where can I find SDK for it ?
Hi guys,
I need some halp about Extension Mobility on CallManager 3.2
What do I need to do to properly configure Extension Mobility, especially IP Phone Service configuration (URL, Parameters, etc, if any)
Thanks a lot.
ok, the controller is E1 with r2-compelled signaling. Here is the configuration:
controller e1 1/1
ds0-group 0 timeslots 1-15,17-31 type r2-digital r2-compelled
I'm expecting 3 DNIS digits, all starting with 0 : 0xx
I also added " dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric" command on my voip dial peer...
Here it is:
interface FastEthernet0/1
ip address
ip access-group 102 in
no ip redirects
no ip proxy-arp
ip nat inside
ip inspect fw-out in
ip policy route-map telcom
duplex auto
speed auto
no keepalive
no cdp enable
h323-gateway voip interface
I have a little problem. I'm using CCM 3.2 and i want to configure a 2691 router to be H323 gateway. I've configured 2 dial peers: 1 pots and 1 voip pointing CCM ip address. I also added the gateway in CCM configuration with a route pattern to match any 0.! with discard "PreDot" on...
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