I'm with trouble when trying to set a background color in a JTree node. Actually I'm using the JTableTree (A JTree rendered inside a JTable) example from the java tutorials @ sun to display some data, and I need to paint each row background with a specific color according to the data on that...
I'm not sure if you can, I don't think so. I'd install something like apache on your local machine and test from there, no need to upload to a web server you can test it locally as long as you have a http server running on your machine.
MS has discontinued it, you'll have to get it from sun now i guess. Unless you can get the MS one from other site. But if I was you I'd download the one from sun.
well this line of code is your problem:
ac.showDocument(new URL(url+ "SessionRecording.htm"), "_blank");
by using "_blank" it will allways open in a new window. If you want to open in the same window use "_self", if to want to open in an already opened...
yes it can, just do something like
import java.lang.Runtime;
Runtime rt = java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime();
try {
} catch(Exception ex){
System.out.println("Error message");
hope this helps.
I'm not sure what you're doing, but instead of using the adodc control to add data, I think you should do it by code.
Using ADO and the Connection.Execute method to insert records on your table.
This should be the "better" way of doing it.
Hope this helps
That error is most of the times related to the record source statment you're using on your ADO control.
Using inner joins, selecting from various tables or even not selecting all the fields from one table sometimes lead to this.
Access needs the date between # so try:
SELECT * FROM tblMainRepos WHERE DateAdded = #" & CDate(tvTreeView.SelectedItem.Text) & "#"
Hope this helps
This sure sounds like a problem in your record source of your ado control, you're probably selecting records from more than one table, using Inner Joins or selecting only some fields of that table.
Plz show the record source statement.
I had some problems when I try to select only some fields...
To open notepad several times, add a textbox to your form name it txtnumber and there you will place the number of times u want it to open.
Then just
For i=1 to txtnumber
Next i
You should also test if the txtnumber.Value is an integer first.
Anyone knows how can I know (by code) wich is the language of the Office installed on the pc my app is running?
I need this because the style names on MS Word are different according to the Office's language. So I need to test first wich is the language of the Office where my app is running...
What I would suggest would be to have VB installed on a machine with NT, try to run it from there within the developer. If there is any error you'll detect it easier there, if not then just use the packager to build the setup files for NT and try it out.
I'm not sure you can do a select * from a MS Excel spreadsheet. Try to add column headers and select by their names. Hopefully it'll work.
If not, I'm not sure if this would do anything, but I think it would be better to try to open your recordset like:
Dim rsExcel as new ADODB.Recordset
ok. I don't have much time right now so I'll quickly make a scratch of what you should do, then if you still having problems let me know.
I suppose you know how to use ADO right? So I'll just put here the SQL statements you should use for opening records or executing SQL.
First Select what you...
ok, I think I finally understood what you want to do :-)
The only thing I'm not getting is this:
Is there any relation between Table1 and Table2? I mean is there any field common to both of them?
If not how can you relation the records of both tables?
Let me know this so I can help you out.
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