When trying to load software from a CD, the app doesn't auto run, instead I get the files on disk view. Attempting to run a .exe from here, results in the following pop up warning. Headed "16 bit windows sub system" it goes on to say. "The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS or...
Guys! Slipstreaming awayyyyyyy. Heh Heh. I now have 190779.7 MB of space to fill on a lovely jubbly HDD. (Bit excitable I know!)......Thanks again for all the help.
My old Army saying.."K.I.S.S" (Keep It Simple Stupid)
Cheers satrow n freestone. Disk Managment shows 127.99GB running healthy on NTFS with 62.32GB unallocated. With Ref to the SP1 issue you raise, I have the original (2000)XP Pro CD, and have to download SP 1 after loading the OS. I am beginning to realise that this version is not 48 bit enabled...
Thanks paparazi. I already have SP1 and it makes no difference. (Do I have to activate something?)That was my first port of call.
wolluf, tried your plan and got completley bogged down, Now at wits end. Surely I shouldn't have to spend huge amounts of dough on the latest gear only to re-write...
P4/2.8 Ghz processor with Abit IS7 E MoBo. 512MB RAM. and a (supposedly)200GB Western Digital HDD operating XP Pro.(I have downloaded all the MS critical patches and SP1)
The BIOS shows the Hard Drive as 200GB but after installation on a single partition I have only got access to 127GB! Do I...
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