See Send Mailmerge Output to Individual Files in the Mailmerge Tips and Tricks page at:
See, for example:
and especially the revised version of the document in:
Have you actually done any research on any of the topics you've started? There are many examples of code for this one, for example, readily available on the web.
Paul Edstein
[Fmr MS MVP - Word]
Which is essentially what was advised here: - and with links to VBA solutions if needed.
Paul Edstein
[Fmr MS MVP - Word]
See, for example:
The code in both those threads will generate an output document that shows what...
All you need for that is a simple Find/Replace, where:
Find = /
Replace = /
And you set the replacement font attribute to bold. You could even change the colour if that aids visibility.
Paul Edstein
[Fmr MS MVP - Word]
With wordDoc.Tables(4)
For r = .Rows.Count To 1 Step -1
If Split(.Cell(r, 1).Range.Text, vbCr)(0) = "X" Then .Rows(r).Delete
Next r
End With
Paul Edstein
[Fmr MS MVP - Word]
Given the inherent difficulties in exporting Word math objects to other apps, I'd suggest doing the lot in Word. If needed, you can use a second document with a table into which you can copy/paste content from your primary document and use that much as you might use Excel.
Paul Edstein...
I would recommend against that approach, since exporting content to a text file would be liable to both delete unsupported characters and whatever formatting you have. If you need the content in Excel, you would do better to export it directly to an Excel workbook. You could, of course, simply...
It's not at all clear to me how any comparison could be done except visually, which means going through them one-by-one. Your best option would seem to be to use a split window so you can compare, say, a math object in one window with whatever references it in the second window.
That said, it...
A macron is a diacritic ¯ placed over a vowel. It is usually used in pronunciation guides as an indication that the vowel has a long sound. A vinculum is a bar ¯ placed over any letter or number. It is used in mathematical notation, most commonly to indicate a repeating decimal. Some fonts...
The default US date output format is irrelevant. If you need a different format, you really should learn to use mailmerge field switches. See my Mailmerge Tips & Tricks page:
Paul Edstein
[Fmr MS MVP - Word]
If if someone has entered dates in the wrong format for the workbook, especially if they've dome it for some dates and not others, there is no reliable way of correcting it via field coding or even vba. In other words, manual intervention will likely be required. Hence, your D/M test risks...
You really don't seem to have paid attention to what I wrote about not needing to test the day/month. All you should need is:
{SET MDATE {MERGEFIELD FLDNM}}{=INT(({MDATE \@ D}+INT(({MDATE \@ M}-986/1000)*30.575)-{={MDATE \@ M}> 2}*(2-{IF{=MOD(10;10)}= "!*" {=MOD({MDATE \@ yy},4)=0}-{=MOD({MDATE...
Not really, since the ultimate goal seems to be to generate the output in a mailmerge. A UDF would require much more effort to deploy in that context.
Paul Edstein
[Fmr MS MVP - Word]
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