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Search results for query: *

  1. Rieekan

    IE 7 and Suckerfish issue

    Hey everyone... Found the issue. It was due to having all of the main content blocks (header, content and footer) set to a z-index of 1. By only setting the header with the z-index, that solved the problem. - George
  2. Rieekan

    IE 7 and Suckerfish issue

    Hey guys, Been working on a site for a client where they want a fly-out menu within their main navigation. So, we went with a slightly modified version of the Suckerfish menu system. This worked out wonderfully until we began testing in IE 7. For an unknown reason, we're running into the...
  3. Rieekan

    how can I create a drop down login box?

    One JavaScript library that I prefer to use is JQuery. Has all of the features of Prototype, but can be packed to be only 20K in size. Very nice. - George
  4. Rieekan

    Multiple tag selectors have properties under id selector

    And about specificity, I've always found this article, CSS Spcificity Wars both funny and extremely good in describing how specificity works. - George
  5. Rieekan

    from action with query string

    If you have key/value pairs that need to be sent with the form, why not include those items as hidden inputs within the form itself? - George
  6. Rieekan


    Let's not forget that by using classes to change the look of the text, screen readers won't know to process the text any differently for visually impaired users. As a real world example, say you're using bold and italics to make text stand out and be emphasized by users, well, unless you use...
  7. Rieekan

    Hide data in address bar

    Switch all of your form methods from GET to POST to fix this. - George
  8. Rieekan

    Music tag

    But how can you tell where a person is actually reading? Last time I checked, computers aren't jacked into our brains yet. You'll probably want to rethink the design of the chapters before tackling this any further. You can accomplish what your client wants by doing some layering of the...
  9. Rieekan

    Align to Center

    The first thing you'll want to do is validate your HTML. Most browsers will have issues if you haven't specified the DOCTYPE of your page. - George
  10. Rieekan

    is it possible to store an array in a sql database??

    Also, you don't need to prepare the statement for every iteration through your loop. Do the prepare outside the loop (with the placeholders) and just run the execute statement within. my $cookie = $q->cookie('cart_id'); my @ListOfSongs = param("songs"); my $sizeOfArray = 0; my...
  11. Rieekan

    Upload image problem

    Have you tried adding any error catching to your statements? I also see that once you've received the image, you don't close the file handle, nor are you setting the file to read in BINMODE. #upload picture if ($image ne ""){ $image =~ m/^.*(\\|\/)(.*)/; $temp = $2; $temp =~...
  12. Rieekan

    convert .doc and .pdf to .txt

    I'd suggest searching through CPAN for the modules you'd need to have to do these conversions. PDF Modules Document parsing modules might be a bit more difficult to find, but if you know what document structures are going to be sent in (Word, Word Perfect, Open Office, etc.) you could narrow...
  13. Rieekan

    Flash over web content Mozilla problem

    I'd say this question better belongs in the Flash forum (forum250).
  14. Rieekan

    Firing off JavaScript via getURL for analytics data

    Thanks, I'll look into the LoadVars option as it seems to be the more appropriate since we don't own the codebase for the analytics software, but it does return a GIF image. Thanks! - George
  15. Rieekan

    Firing off JavaScript via getURL for analytics data

    I have a small Flash application that is displaying a varying number of ads in a carousel-type fashion which our users can click on any ad to go to a given product page. Our Analytics department has requested that we track information on what the user is doing while on the page with the...
  16. Rieekan

    First-letter in CSS

    Keep in mind that if you're talking about just changing the look of the first letter in text, you should probably use the <p> tag, not a <div> to display the contents like Dan's outlined above. - George
  17. Rieekan

    How do I check a file for a string?

    Keep in mind that if any of these IPs are either a dial-up connection or a company (the first is a City Council in the UK) that you're not only blocking the person that made the remark, but anyone else that attempts to user your website from that location. - George
  18. Rieekan

    Delaying a split

    Still uses a split, but it's quicker than creating a wasted array. my $filename = (split '/', $path)[-1]; - George
  19. Rieekan

    CSS and hyperlinks

    Based on the code you've provided, you don't have a Menu class for anchor tags, but do have an ID named menu that has all of the styles for anchor tags within that block. Based on the CSS, you should have HTML that looks like the following: <div id="menu"> <a href="index.asp">Home</a> <a...
  20. Rieekan

    Signout cookie out of date, but still possible to go &quot;back&quot;

    Set the page caching to not cache. You can do this a few different ways, but the best is to set it in the header sent by the server side processing. In Perl, it would look something like this: use CGI; my $cgi = new CGI; print $cgi->header(-type=>'text/html', -nph=>1...

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