This is an excellent idea. Provide an actual proposal with specified software, as well as an estimated cost structure for the project. Now here's the key, include estimated Return On Investment (ROI). If you can show that your proposal will ultimately pay for itself, any sales guy will bite.
Excellent illustration.
Do you have $ Invoiced stored at a Sales Rep level? If so, I would suggest using that value instead of Total $ Invoiced. You can sum the dollars by Sales Rep to get to the Total $ Invoiced.
If the data is not available at that level, what is the reason for...
MitraMIS, I don't think I understand what you're trying to accomplish. Could you give us a visual representation of the values?
I am what I am based on the decisions I have made.
DoubleD [bigcheeks]
Could this be a crosstab report instead? Based on a single calculation that returns the # of Days category?
I am what I am based on the decisions I have made.
DoubleD [bigcheeks]
If you are filtering on the value entered in the prompt, and you have a formatted column in the columns section of the crosstab, then the column headers generated should act exactly as you are suggesting.
You should be filtering where your data is <= the entered prompt.
I am what I am based on...
Check out this site for how to correctly reference a subform.
I am what I am based on the decisions I have made.
DoubleD [bigcheeks]
Private Sub cboAnalyst_Change()
If Len(cboAnalyst) <> 0 then
cmdLogIn.Enabled = True
cmdLogIn.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
I am what I am based on the decisions I have made.
DoubleD [bigcheeks]
This version should get you what you want.
I am what I am based on the decisions I have made.
DoubleD [bigcheeks]
If you filter your report on the date entered, then make a date column that is formatted as YYYY-MM, this should display exactly what you are requesting.
Unless there is no data for some of the months, then things will get a little more challenging.
I am what I am based on the decisions I have...
Difficult to help as I don't understand your data structure or how it is populated.
Try flowcharting what fields you check to decide whether a record should show up in the report. Then build your filter based on the flowchart logic.
I am what I am based on the decisions I have made.
I'm not sure exactly how it's done in CRN, but it should be even simpler than this.
In Impromptu, you would write a report against just the Date_Info Table:
Column1: Fiscal_Year
Filter: Calendar_Date = SysDate
Thus this report would only return one row, which would be the Fiscal Year of the...
If you have that join defined, your filter would only need to be this:
where fiscal_year = Year(sysdate)
No user intervention required.
I am what I am based on the decisions I have made.
DoubleD [bigcheeks]
Why not just put a filter in your report to exclude all Sales Orders that have been delivered?
I am what I am based on the decisions I have made.
DoubleD [bigcheeks]
If your DateInfo table has all dates, as well as their fiscal year, could you join to the DateInfo table, then filter on Fiscal Year?
I am what I am based on the decisions I have made.
DoubleD [bigcheeks]
|| being a...
I think CajunCenturion hit it right on the head, but I'll clarify my version of it.
It is ethical for CleanFlicks to take your individual legally purchased copy, edit per your request, and hand back to you. You are paying for the editing of the movie.
It is unethical for CleanFlicks to take...
You could also do a nested POSITION function.
Get the position of the first occurence, then get a substring based on that value, then do a POSITION function on the text string you have left.
I am what I am based on the decisions I have made.
DoubleD [bigcheeks]
Any reason why you're not calculating the date difference in your IQD? The calculation could happen on the database which should be much more efficient.
I am what I am based on the decisions I have made.
DoubleD [bigcheeks]
Are you passing the user's Userclass to the catalog, or using Creator as the default?
I am what I am based on the decisions I have made.
DoubleD [bigcheeks]
Time to earn those management dollars Katy44. Organize your thoughts as well as the pros and cons of your hiring plan. Propose this info to your boss so they understand why you plan to take the direction that you do. If your boss still tells you it's more important to hire someone with knowledge...
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