can AnyBody Help me?
I have a web application jsp (a WAR File) on Weblogic 6.1 SP2, but strange characters is not recognized
example (í, ó, ú, á, Ñ, etc ....)
any idea?
Jaime Henriquez M.
i have a swapper menu... (two multiple selects Html)
i need pass the selected values from jsp page to other jsp page, but only pass the selected value....
how can i pass the complete list of values?
many thanks..
sorry by my english.. :)
can AnyBody Help me?
I have a web application jsp (a WAR File) on Weblogic 6.1 SP2, but strange characters is not recognized
example (í, ó, ú, á, Ñ, etc ....)
any idea?
sorry by my English...
I have this code,
the dispatcher don't work..
Any idea?
OutputStream out;
String fileName;
String content;
byte[] data;
// Seteo el nombre del archivo
fileName = "vpn_amp.txt";
// Seteo el contenido del archivo
content =...
How invoke a PL/SQL Cursor from JSP?
I´need display a cursor in a table.
I have this.
CallableStatement cs = con.prepareCall("{call "+sentencia+"}");
where I can find a system of forums made in coldfusion?
I believe that exists a Open Source Forums.
I´m search, but don´t found this..
Sorry for my english.. I´m chilean.
hello friends,
I have a question.
as I can be connected to Access from UNIX, by means of ODBC?
some form exists?
Let us suppose that the database Access is in a server Windows, and coldfusion is in an UNIX server.
The database Access can be in the UNIX server?
I have a this form
<form name=PostMessage action= method=post>
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"><br>
<input type=text name=login tabindex=1 size=25 maxlength=35...
this site is down by maintenance.
in google find always 2:
exists another one?
i have cf server 5
cristal report
<cfreport report="c:\CFUSION\reporte.rpt"></cfreport>
Error Diagnostic Information
Error occurred while processing CFREPORT
I need to call a report in a page Web with Coldfusion.
as I can execute a crystal Report?
that version of crystal and coldfusion I need?
of where I can download it?
I have coldfusion server 5.
as I can generate a report with crystal report?
whereupon tool I create it?
in order to call it later with <cfreport.
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