Sorry Skip,
I thougth I understood, but I did not.
This code realy helps me. I have to study to understand it.
Thank you for your quick response.
Best regards,
Hi Skip,
Thanks for the respons, but it is not what I asked.
May 3th and July 5th are just examples.
Could also be Jan 10th to Aug 9th. Then I should get 8 values. 21 for January, 28 for febr, 30 for March..etc....and 9 for August.
In my first example the function should five me 3 values.
I need to caculate the number of days between two dates for all the month seperately.
so beginning date is 3 may and ending date is 5 july should give me for may: 28, juni: 30 and july: 5. How can I do that.
Regards apestaart
Hallo PVH,
In the subform I have a combobox for choosing a new month as first field in a new record. With the after update event I want to see if this a new record.
Hope this helps in understanding what I try to do.
I have a form called "frmworkingours" with a subform "subOurs". I want to check if the user adds a new record. I know that I can check on "frm.NewRecord"
But I can´t find a way to declare frm as the subform above.
Who can help me?
Recards Apestaart
Hi Dhookom,
Answer on your first question Yes I do prompting for a month. The user should enter a string like january.
(If the date is within this year I check with Verzuim.[Datum ziekmelding])>(Now()-Format(Now(),"y")))) )
When I remove MonthName(Month([Month])) from the query I get all the...
Hello Dhookom,
In the chart rowsource I have : [Aantal uren ziek], [Regio] and [Station]. This data comes from the query I have send to you.
The problem I have is to filter the data with a perio of time say "Januari 2007".
I think you can do that in two ways 1) the main query 2) the chart...
Hello Dhookom,
I tried to define the pi chart with the Form Wizzard and choos the Pivotchart. So that is an form and not a report. Maybe Iam not at the rigth forum. But I will try to explane what I want. Using the Form Wizzard I get a pi chart without any label. I only can see the values of the...
Hello dhookom,
Underneith you will find the SQL Row source.
I tried to define the pi chart with the autoform Wizzard and choos the Pivotchart. The filterfield are: Periode
The datafields : Aantal uren ziek
Serie fields : Region and a second one : Station.
So what I want te see in the pi chart is...
Hallo dhookom,
I am always interested to solve report issues with queries. The problem with my report now is that my customer was asking for more information in an exsisting report. That information was not available in the exsisting tabels of my database. So I had to add new tables. I tried to...
I have made a report with contract ours for station and regions. There are many stations per region.
In the footer of stations I have an unbound field named "Kontrakttot". Via a visual basic routine I calculate the value for "Kontrakttot". This works perfectly.
What I need for the region report...
Thank you dhookom, that really helps me to remove a lot of questionmarks about the Dsum function. When I think about it I can understand it also.
Best regards,
Periode van =Period from
Period tot = Period to
I tried =Sum([contrakt]) once in the Station footer and once in the Regio footer.
That did the job. Hoeraaa!!!
I was mistaken to use the Dsum.
Thanks for your effort.
Regards apestaart.
The sql is rather complex.
It is using "Station" instead of "department"
PARAMETERS [Periode van] DateTime, [Periode tot] DateTime;
SELECT TabRegios.RegioID, TabRegios.Regio, TabStations.StationID, TabStations.Station, TabStations.Beheerder, TabStations.Telefoon, Verzuim.[Datum ziekmelding]...
Both expressions start with "="
RegID is a long integer
I did try to wrap my query witH [] same problem.
The query is a simple query, no parameter query.
I am desperate.
Yes, I Used "=" at the start of the expression.
I Had simplefied my question but I now will explain it in detail.
I have a report with Regions info and Departments info.
The Regions have several departments.
Per departments I have several employees having a contract in ours.
I try to make a...
I will answer you both at the same time.
DepID is a number.
"Report query" is a subset of Employees.
When I take : Dsum("[contrakt]","Employees","[DepID]=" & DepID)it works.
Employees is a table. So it does not work with a Query. Do I use the right syntax for the the query?
Hope to hear from...
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