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Search results for query: *

  1. chuckh70

    Query for first 3 Characters only.

    I have an access database, and one of the fields I need to filter and show only those records with 3 or less characters. Ie; most of the data would be 555-555-5555, but some are 555.. and those are what I need to see. how can you do this in access?
  2. chuckh70


    Thanks for all of the help. Was out of town for a few day's but back working on this crazy thing. It atleast makes since now. I will post back with my results.
  3. chuckh70


    I found this nice example, but all I did was confuse myself more. Still not sure on how to grab the data and bind it. Option Compare Database Private Sub cmdCollapseNodes_Click() 'Collapse all node For Each Node In MyTreeView.Nodes Node.Expanded = False Next End...
  4. chuckh70


    Thanks for all the info. Normally i'd spend the next few days tearing through this, but unfortunately I am on a very tight schedule. I went through and set up a test and I got it basically working when I had code data to it. How do I get the data from the database to popluate this...
  5. chuckh70


    I am trying to find about using a TreeView within my Access 2k3 app to display hierarchy. Can someone point me to some examples or info on this?
  6. chuckh70

    Display Hierarchy

    Hello I am not sure if this is the right area for this question, and if it isn't please let me know and I'll move it. I was handed an Access application this morning, and it has a results screen that is just a grid view. I was informed they'd like to have this actually display the hierarchy...
  7. chuckh70

    Show Button as Selected on WebForm

    Perfect. That was just what I was looking for thanks
  8. chuckh70

    Show Button as Selected on WebForm

    Hello, I have default.aspx which holds a series of buttons, and IFrame tags. Once a button is selected it sets the needed IFrame to visible, and the rest to false. Which is working great, and leads me to my current question. is there a way to set the select button to show that is selected some...
  9. chuckh70

    ODBC Connection String Issue's

    Got it thanks a bunch.
  10. chuckh70

    Problem with Query (DATEADD)

    Perfect thanks all.
  11. chuckh70

    ODBC Connection String Issue's

    ok this works thank you, but I noticed another slight problem. my dateadd strips it down to just the date so the new date add just takes it from midnight and makes it 4 p.m.
  12. chuckh70

    Problem with Query (DATEADD)

    Hello, I am using the below string to pull the date out of our database which is in unix format, and convert it to something the user can read. I used the following which works fine. DATEADD(dd, Create_Time / 86400, '1/1/1970') I found out yesterday that all of the records are 8 hours...
  13. chuckh70

    ODBC Connection String Issue's

    tells me it requires 3 arguments? Thanks for the help by the way.
  14. chuckh70

    ODBC Connection String Issue's

    So I could just wrap it around my current date add? Something like DATEADD(hh,DATEADD(dd, Create_Time / 86400, '1/1/1970')-8)
  15. chuckh70

    ODBC Connection String Issue's

    Hello, I have been working on several web based reports for a little while now, and just about ready to turn them in when I noticed all of the records display 8hrs ahead. After talking with Tech Support I was informed I can't connect to SQl Server. I must use the ODBC and connect through there...
  16. chuckh70

    Updating data using DataGrid

    Hello, Below I have a very simple page I am pulling 4 fields which list in DataGrid. What I need to do is turn the Status into a list Box so that can select what the status should be. is this possible? any examples I could be pointed to? most of what I found is just adding an edit, or delete...
  17. chuckh70

    Problems With Trigger

    That was the problem Exactly.. Thanks
  18. chuckh70

    Query Times Out.

    OMG don't I feel dumb. Yes that was exactly it Thank You very much.
  19. chuckh70

    Query Times Out.

    Hello, I have this query, and in short I need to take all of the oaks, and combine them into 1 count. If take out the join, and just use inv_machine it works. If I leave it as is, and just search for one of the oaks it works, but when I try more than one it sits there a while and times out...
  20. chuckh70

    Problems With Trigger

    Hello, I am in need of pulling a couple of fields from a table on insert and put them into another table so that I can do searches and inserts without touching the main table. I created the trigger below for this purpose, but for some reason it stops the insert all together. If I set this to...

Part and Inventory Search
