I have a crystal report 8.5 report that have a parameter field that comes out of a plsql into the report.
I have in that parameter field created the weekdays as default values. (like: Mon, Thu, Wed, Thu..)
I want to be able to "Allow multiple values" to choose more then one day but the option...
I have formula i use for selecting what type of grouping on time to user it´s like:
if {?time_grouping} = "Hour" Then
cstr({TABLE.TIME},"yyyy-MM-dd HH:00")
else if {?time_grouping} = "Day" then
else if {?time_grouping} = "Week" then...
Someone more then me that have had this problem in CR 8.5, and solved it ?
When i first start crystal reports, i can add a ODBC database and create a report. But when i want to create a new report with the "report expert" (with the CR already started) and i choose the database field and press...
The problem is that it can be many possibilites of text in the fields so i dont know what they contains.
How can i get all of the possibilites printed out and an summary of the count of how many there was on the different types.
I need a formula that can print out all the posibilites and count...
I´m bulding a report that i select a specifik field from with a parameter field. The field can contain (numbers and) text. The type of the field are string (with 255).
The report groupes the different types of things inputted into the fields an does a count on them that gives me a output like...
I have problems with a formula that checks if a table field in the database are empty.
I must find a way to recognize if the field is empty or contains numbers. I must recognize some of the numbers and not choose them and also if the field is empty !
My field looks like...
Can´t get it to work, just returns a error code like:
"Too many arguments have been given to this function."
Maby i put it at the wrong place ?
numberVar x;
stringVar strParameter := "ID: " ;
for x := 1 to ubound({?ID}) do
strParameter := strParameter & {?ID}[x] & ",";
I want to be able to print out what parameters that where input when the report was run.
I´m now printing out some of the parameters like this :
"Timeintervall: " &
+" - "+
& " " &...
The week number is what i want displayed. Just like in the first formula :-)
(and the groupe must contain the week starting from mondag to sunday)
/ Gazol
Thanks lbass, seems to work perfekt :)
Anyone who has any ideas for this formula to be able to groupe on week ?
if {?time_group_parameter} = "Hour" Then
cstr({TABLE.TIME},"yyyy-MM-dd HH:00")
else if {?time_group_parameter} = "Day" then...
Using: Crystal reports 8.5, ODBC, ORACLE.
I have 2 formulas that i select between with a parameter and it works fine.
I want to be able to create another parameter called "Week" and when i choose "Week" i want the grouping to be done for each week. (Formula 2 is not the problem to do it on, i...
I´m using crystal report 8.5.
If i have a parameters that gets input and that input are used in select expert to select data from my database.
Can i create a parameter against select expert that is NOT OPTIONAL to give input when i run the report?
The select expert always want me to choose...
Now my select expert looks like:
{Table_1.Group_id} = {?groupe_id} or {Table_2.id} = {?id}
and {Table_2.Time} = {?timeintervall}
The timeintervall doesen´t work !
When i do this it works perfect.
{Table_1.Group_id} = {?groupe_id} and {Table_2.Time} = {?timeintervall}
Any ideas ?? :)
I have crystal reports 8.5 and making a report with parameters. I´m select time and to fields containing id:s. (Groupe_id or id, Groupe_id contains groupes with id:s)
The tables look like (and linked equal from id to id.)
----------- ---------
|Table_1 | |Table_2|
yes, it´s hard to explain sometimes.. Now it works exactly how i want !
Wichitakid thanks for your patience, if you ever get to stockholm sweden, please let me know so i can buy you some beer :)
Thanks for the help ! Works great !
Sorry, i have confused you..
My expected output:
2004-11-25 13:00:00
2004-11-26 15:12:12
No i get:
2004-11-25 01:00:00
2004-11-25 03:12:12
Still the same problem, it does not give me our swedish timecode it gives 01:00 at 01:00 pm. i want to have 13:00 as output.
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