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Search results for query: *

  1. jwdcfdeveloper

    CFMX Flash Forms - populating values in radio buttons/multi-selects

    It's not that simple. I need to know how to dynamically select where the data is coming directly from a db. For instance, in a regular form I could do this w/ the radio buttons <input type="radio" name="myButton" value="1" <cfif q1.val eq 1>checked</cfif>>. I can't do that with a flash form...
  2. jwdcfdeveloper

    CFMX Flash Forms - populating values in radio buttons/multi-selects

    I'm new to Flash Forms and wanted to know if anyone knows how to get values to display to be selected for radio buttons and mult-select select boxes? The usual cfif logic inside of the value or selected attributes does not seem to work.
  3. jwdcfdeveloper

    CFMX Flash Forms and checkboxes

    Actually the 2 error thing still exists. I have it on the radio buttons. I got tired of screwing around with checkboxes and just went with a multi-select box. It is good to hear that I'm not just crazy that others are actually having these problems too. I like Flash Forms, but they still...
  4. jwdcfdeveloper

    CFMX Flash Forms and checkboxes

    I am building a Flash Form using CFMX 7. Most of the functionality is great except the checkboxes. I want to know if anyone else has run into similar issues: 1. The cfinput tag with type set to checkbox is difficult (at best) to validate 2. Why does it (checkbox) pass values of true and...
  5. jwdcfdeveloper

    java.lang.NullPointerException in a CFC

    Nah, they used another IDE probably Elipse. That seems to be the popular Java IDE around here. I myself like NetBeans, perhaps because I'm much more of Java novice .
  6. jwdcfdeveloper

    java.lang.NullPointerException in a CFC

    After talking to a couple of Java developers, I found out that the problem was the XML file a hidden class was trying to read. The xeres.jar & xalan.jar files I have on my computer were different than the ones the original Developers (Java) have. There are few ways I found to fix this: 1...
  7. jwdcfdeveloper

    java.lang.NullPointerException in a CFC

    I tried that too. I did some research and I think it may be because the method that creates the token is buried quite a few layers down. I read on the macromedia website that sometimes CF code has a problem finding a Java method if it's buried too deeply, CF may not be able to find the code...
  8. jwdcfdeveloper

    java.lang.NullPointerException in a CFC

    The akamaiURL, akamaiPayload are suppose to be url, payload and, ip respectively. also those are not the actual names in the code (the names were changed to protect the innocent). The getURL, getXXX, methods do return values the code works up until the call to get the...
  9. jwdcfdeveloper

    java.lang.NullPointerException in a CFC

    I am using the following code to create a token to pass to another part of my application: <cffunction access="public" name="createToken" output="false" returntype="string" hint="Creates a token."> <cfscript> //create token generator instance myInstance = CreateObject("Java"...
  10. jwdcfdeveloper

    Problem in IE with data display

    Sure. Here is the code: <input type="text" name="title" value="#coldFusion.databaseColumn#"> The problem here is that the title (including text inside of " ") will display just fine (e.g. The title: "ABC 123") in Firefox. However, in IE All that will display is The title: and the "ABC 123"...
  11. jwdcfdeveloper

    Problem in IE with data display

    I am having problems displaying data in the IE browser I am returning info from the database and it seems that if the field contains "" in it (e.g. "This is a test" ) the text within double quotes will not display. This data displays fine in Firefox, but not IE. Any ideas how I can display my...
  12. jwdcfdeveloper

    Sorting a structure

    You know what it's ok. I actually found a very nice SQL Server function that does the same thing. If anyone is interested it can be found at: http://sqlservercentral.com/cs/blogs/michael_coles/archive/2005/07/17/52.aspx
  13. jwdcfdeveloper

    Sorting a structure

    Actually what I am trying to do is sort the structure so that the it appears in the order of the day value. I can currently get the structure with all of the values. However, I need a way to sort the values by day. The structre will appear something like this. stcEvents.eventId = 1111...
  14. jwdcfdeveloper

    Sorting a structure

    Is there a way to add a rows of data without overwriting.
  15. jwdcfdeveloper

    Sorting a structure

    I have created a cfc that passes back a structure. My problem is getting the structSort function to pass back all of the values here is the code that I have to create the sort <!--- now create an array and sort the values ---> <cfset arrOrderedEvents =...
  16. jwdcfdeveloper

    IE style issue

    I created a calendar which has three modes of display: 1. Monthly - everyday of the month has a pale yellow background while the current date has a dark yellow background. 2. Weekly - the current day has a dark yellow background the rest of the week of the current day is pale yellow and the...
  17. jwdcfdeveloper

    calculating a date range

    I am looking for a piece of code or insight on how to write something that can determine the start date and end date for a given week of the month. For instance, if I select today's date (6/30/2005). I should have two numbers returned 26 and 30 (representing Sunday 6/26 and Thursday 6/30)...
  18. jwdcfdeveloper

    Refresh page using a select box

    How do I refresh a page and send a form variable using a select drop down box? I have a calendar application that uses a drop down box (Jan - Dec of current year) and on selecting a new month, the calendar should change. The old version of the calendar used links to update the calendar. Any...
  19. jwdcfdeveloper

    Mapping images, files, etc.

    I downloaded an entire website to my local drive so that I can make changes without disturbing the main site. I am having problems with mapping the links and images. Whenever I use a relative path /images/myImage.gif, my local version (http://localhost:8500/...) of the site cannot find the...
  20. jwdcfdeveloper

    ColdFusion MX Server error

    I just downloaded a copy of CFMX and tried to go to the admin page, here is what I get: avax/crypto/CipherSpi Please Try The Following: * Check the CFML Reference Manual to verify that you are using the correct syntax. * Search the Knowledge Base to find a solution to your problem...

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