i would like to ask something regarding how to create an access to certificate store's details using VB 6.Once i click the list of certificate..then i can view the certificates details from the system.Is it possible to do so?
Please reply this msg asap..thank u in advance..
yes,i have that: "ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"
here is my converted html coding to ASP..please do correct me if i am wrong..i am in learning process ;-)
Response.Write "" & vbCrLf
Response.Write "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>SecureWebsign Add File(s)</TITLE>" & vbCrLf...
i had converted html code to Asp then i got this error when i run the program..what is that means..
how should i setup MIME type...really need immediate response....
HTTP Error 405
405 Method Not Allowed
The method specified in the Request Line is not allowed for the resource identified by...
is anyone know anything how to use asp.net in order to make digital signing,verifying,encryption.
do u have any sample code in order to do these tasks..if u have..please do reply this message..
thank u in advance
Just want to ask..whether is it possible for me to create a table in ms excel then by the same time i create a table automatically in ms access via odbc?i just asking if there any solution for this problem.
i know that active x can be used in vb 6 environment,but the problem is when i want to create a new project,there alot of options which i need to choose before i can create my own application 4 example are : standard exe,active x exe,active x dll and etc..
which one of this document can help me...
right now i'm doing a task which need me to convert VBA application to Web Application so that all the VB button can be function in web browser as well as in VB environment. I did some research regarding this task but unlucky the sample that i got seems to have alot of syntac errors.So at...
i am quite new in java programming,but my spvisor asked me to develop a module which can call certificate store so that the user can view the cert without accesing internet tools features.the problem is i dont know how to begin from?.if somebody have been heard abt this prob before,could u...
I am new with xml programming
but my supervisor ask me to develop a programming that can call the certificate store which enable the user to click at one button as well as allow them to view all the info abt the certificate displayed in one page.
i'm really need ur professional help.
thank you...
hi again Rols,
yup i did all the steps given by u and i did see the device on my veritas storage tool list.but when i run the inventory,the
alert msg show me this msg "Media is unrecognized.The media in drive 'HP 1' is written in an unrecognized format. Erase the media to make it...
dear Rols,
thank you 4 ur reply
the application use for writing the data is tapeware software.for ur question on this matter:
Can you see the tape device from the scsi bios on boot?? If so - Can you see the Tape device under windows device manager??
the answer is yes i can see it.
but then i...
i am not familiar with this backup storage device.i am using hp Storageworks dat 40 and veritas backup executive evaluation as backup software.the problem is i do not know how to read the used tape from the veritas application.One more thing,the tape device that i had already installed does not...
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