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Search results for query: *

  1. klasse

    Compact, run actions before, then compact

    Hi Katerine, I'll do what you propose. It is a solution in any case. Thanks for your answer, Klasse
  2. klasse

    Compact, run actions before, then compact

    Hi, I have a button on the menu (copied from the default menu) to compact the database. I would like it to run some routines or functions before it actually tries to compact the database, how could I do it? Thanks, Klasse
  3. klasse

    how to get Last day of the month dd/mm/yy

    Many thanks to the two of you, I will try both solutions. Klasse
  4. klasse

    how to get Last day of the month dd/mm/yy

    Hi, Is there any function with which I could get the last day of the month in the format 31/01/02 (for this month for example)? Or at least, a function to get the number of days of this month ? Thanks, Klasse
  5. klasse

    no current record

    I would try including WITH recordset as follows: Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM [qryCompTestWrongAnswer]") WITH rst Set rst1 = db.OpenRecordset("tblTemp") WITH rst1     rst.MoveFirst   rst1.AddNew     rst1!Question = "1. ....."     rst1!Category...
  6. klasse

    VBA Recordsets

    Hi, I would do: if myrecordsetname.recordcount = 0 then exit sub yourrecordset.recordcount will give you the number of records in the recordset. Rgds, Klasse
  7. klasse

    Hi, I have two lists and three b

    Hi, I have two lists and three boxes with items. On the afterUpdate event of one list (list2) I have: For i = 0 To lists1.ListCount If list1.ItemData(i) = list2.Column(1) Then list1.Selected(i) = True Exit Sub End If Next i That is, I go through each row of list1, compare it to...
  8. klasse

    Add a new line on textbox from code

    Hello, I have a recordset with which I get values of a table (customer address, city, country) and then I want to put it into a textbox, everything into one. I tried to do something like txtbox =!CUST_ADDRESS & CHR(13) & !CUST_CITY But this wouldn't work. It displays the address, then a...
  9. klasse

    Add a control in the menu

    Hi, How can I add from code, a new control in the default menu bar of Access? Thanks, Klasse
  10. klasse

    Position a form in the screen, in the code

    Hello, I have a form from which users will operate and open new forms. I would like to keep this one opened in a corner of the screen, on the top left corner, so I will open the other forms on the rest of the screen. How can I having the main form initially on the center, position it to the...
  11. klasse

    Set top, left from code

    Hi, I am trying to design a form similar to a tree structure. Then I have My Database |_products |_provider I want to click on products and I should have My Database |_products | | | |_add new product | |_edit a product | |_view all products | |_provider Now...
  12. klasse

    Passing variable from one form to another

    Hi, Maybe this helps. Name of Popup form = Form1 Var in Form1 = var1 Name of second form = Form2 Var in Form2 = var2 In Form2, write: var2 = Forms!Form1!var1 or var2 = Forms!Form1!.var1 try both. You will need Form1 to be opened at the time when the code is executed. Later you can close...
  13. klasse

    Lookup a field in 2 tables

    Hi, I would do something like Dim MyRST, MyRST1 as recordset set MyRST = currentdb.openrecordset("SELECT (FIELD) FROM TABLE1 WHERE (FIELD)= " & yourvalue,dbopentable) with MyRST if MyRST.recordcount=0 then set MyRST1 = Currentdb.openrecordset("SELECT (FIELD) FROM TABLE2 WHERE...
  14. klasse

    How can i fix User-defined type not defined

    Why don't u try? Dim trs AS DAO.Recordset instead of trs AS DAO.Recordset
  15. klasse

    An SQL statement that does not sort

    Hello, Situation: I have a table that is created when the user wants to open a graph, and it is deleted when the user closes such graph. I read data (dates, eg. 30/10/01) from a txt file into an array. My array has two columns, one the dates and the other a sum of the coincidences of the month...
  16. klasse

    Secure back end

    Hello jebry, Good one, it works fine. I had the doubt if it would not then allow people to connect to the it from the front end, but it works! Thanks, Klasse
  17. klasse

    String length problem

    Hi, one thing. Where you have   If InvoiceID > 0 Then SQLString = SQLString & "AND cost_Item.Invoice_ID=" & InvoiceID & " " Else  SQLString = SQLString & "AND Cost_Item.Invoice_ID is null " End If Remember that before, you said: SQLString = SQLString &...
  18. klasse

    Sort an array

    Hi, This table is created via DAO Set tdfNew =currentDb.CreateTableDef("USAGE") and is created exclusively for a graph; when the user opens the graph, the table is created, and when such graph is closed, the table is dropped. So, I can't open it in design view. Thanx for the tip...
  19. klasse

    Sort an array

    Hello, I have an array (1 to 150, 1 to 3) where the first column values will be dates and the second integers. The array gets the values from a txt file. I create a table and then fill the table with the values in the array. I need the values in asc order by date. Any ideas? Thank you! Klasse
  20. klasse

    Secure back end

    Hi, I have a database consisting on the back end and the front end. It will be placed on a network (NT) drive. I want to disable people accessing the back end. The only access to it should be through the front end. Any ideas on how to do it? Thanx! Klasse

Part and Inventory Search
