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  1. Diancecht

    Need to have gradle build file reference database-connection info within 'application.yml' file

    You could try snakeyaml to read the file but, why noy a typical .properties file? Cheers, Dian
  2. Diancecht

    count a string

    There are a lot of ways for doing that, for example you can take a look at the Matcher class Cheers, Dian
  3. Diancecht

    Need help Parsing Json file in Java

    What issues are you running into? Cheers, Dian
  4. Diancecht

    tomcat 8.0x java.util.logging.Logger.log to file

    Maybe you need to define the java.util.logging.config.file parameter as said here Cheers, Dian
  5. Diancecht

    Date and week randomizer

    What are you getting now? Cheers, Dian
  6. Diancecht

    Credentials used within multi classes

    Maybe you can find some inspiration here: https://hc.apache.org/httpcomponents-client-ga/httpclient/apidocs/org/apache/http/auth/UsernamePasswordCredentials.html Cheers, Dian
  7. Diancecht

    IE11 - Country Problems

    Maybe just turning off the location solves your problem: https://www.lifewire.com/denying-access-to-your-location-4027789 Cheers, Dian
  8. Diancecht

    Java vs Kotlin

    Or you can try both: according to the docs, Kotlin is compatible with Java Cheers, Dian
  9. Diancecht

    change centent of xml file under eclipse

    Maybe this helps Cheers, Dian
  10. Diancecht

    change centent of xml file under eclipse

    Do you have any particular question? Cheers, Dian
  11. Diancecht

    Understanding promises

    AFAIK, Javascript is single-threaded by default, so asynchronous requests can be queued and dispatched in a no-predictable way Cheers, Dian
  12. Diancecht

    JVM 1.8 Min and Max Heap Sizes

    So I guess you've already been into this Cheers, Dian
  13. Diancecht

    JVM 1.8 Min and Max Heap Sizes

    Well, PermGen is gone and I suspect that the Xms is actually being taken into account, but the memory managament has changed and it's not reflected in usual tools. Maybe this helps. Anyway, do you have any performance issues or it's just that you don't see the memory reserved? Cheers, Dian
  14. Diancecht

    JVM 1.8 Min and Max Heap Sizes

    How are you measuring memory comsumption? Cheers, Dian
  15. Diancecht

    JVM 1.8 Min and Max Heap Sizes

    I'm not an expert on this, but I remember something about the difference between reserving and allocating memory space. HOw are you measuring it? Is there a performance problem or just a need of control? Cheers, Dian
  16. Diancecht

    WELD-000315: Failed to acquire conversation lock

    I don't think it has tod do with SQL, but with the way the action is invoked. Maybe this helps Cheers, Dian
  17. Diancecht

    Website automation

    I don't see the virus-like behaviour here: web testing from the Internet is a common practice to check availability. I tried WatchMouse in the past, but I guess Pingdom or anyone like that would be the job. Not free, AFAIK. The cheap sollution is to have a robot running on your laptop, of...
  18. Diancecht

    .sh_history: recover line deleted manually

    I'd try to post in English. No many Italian speakers around. If you deleted the line inside the file and saved it, I can't think on any way to get it back. Maybe the editor you used created a backup? Cheers, Dian
  19. Diancecht

    Connecting to SQL database in Java application

    That error means that the program is not finding the driver (the jar file used to connect to the DB) but without more information is difficult to help: https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/ Cheers, Dian

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