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Search results for query: *

  1. TalosBlack

    volume control

    Is there a command where i can change the windows volume ... or change the volume of the sound i'm playing in another way. I would like to automate setting volume to the highest setting. This is for a program i'm making to test a circuit's output. I tried searching on MSDN but couldn't find...
  2. TalosBlack

    exe problem... clicking on exe != Execute program

    Ok problem solved. The poblem was this line of code: ifstream inPath("Paths.txt"); I was exspecting to get certain things from this file. I never received them. Apparently when you click on the .exe the assumed path is that of the exe. drive:\somefoled\otherfolder\debug\filename.txt...
  3. TalosBlack

    exe problem... clicking on exe != Execute program

    First Thanks. I haven't solved my problem yet but i know what to look into now. I usually wouldn't pass anything to main but i was looking at an example while writing some of this code. I took out the void same problem. I think the do loop should work but i changed it anyway. Still had the...
  4. TalosBlack

    exe problem... clicking on exe != Execute program

    When i double click on the exe of my program I get a window to come up with a black screen and a flashing cursor. It seems as if the program is in some kind of infinite loop before i output anything to the screen. However, when i am in C++ (MS Visual Studio 6) and hit ctrl 5 ... or the execute...
  5. TalosBlack

    Need Help with software wizard

    If you want to execute commands through the command prompt in c++ you should be able to use: system(). For example system("\"c:\\somedirectory\\Regfile.reg\""); That will open the registry file Regfile.reg in c:\somedirectory. I hope that helps. If you need more info on it just look up...
  6. TalosBlack

    responding to system message box

    I'll have to do some reading thanks for your help. I did try to look on msdn but couldn't find what i needed hopefully this will be it or at least put me on the right track. Thanks John
  7. TalosBlack

    responding to system message box

    I may have mis represented what i want to do. If i understand your code correctly it makes a YesNo message boxand does something when someone clicks yes. I would like to respond to a windows message box that is already created with a Yes without having to click on the yes. (Probablly without...
  8. TalosBlack

    responding to system message box

    I am having trouble responding to system message boxes. I am writting a program that causes Windows (2000) to basically say are you sure you want to continue? YES/NO. What do i need to do in my program to get it to respond YES? (Or NO or OK or whatever but in this case YES) Thanks a lot for...
  9. TalosBlack

    DropFiles....Context Menu Handler

    I am trying to unravel and add functionality to a context menu handler i found online. The program adds a right click option to context menus for files. Right now it uses *foperation* and i have it running what amounts to be a copy function (i know how to easily change this to a move, delete...
  10. TalosBlack

    Disabling a Field in Outlook

    Sub Item_Open 'runs when form opens 'Declarations Set ComboBox1 = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("Data").Controls("ComboBox1") 'Drop down menu assignment ComboBox1.PossibleValues = "Red;Green;Blue;Other" 'Declarations Set TextBox15 =...
  11. TalosBlack

    Disabling a Field in Outlook

    I use the following code to disable/enable a field in Outlook. The problem is the field starts as enabled no matter what i do. I would like for the field to start disabled and only enable when the checkbox is marked. Sub CheckBox1_Click() Set CheckBox1 =...
  12. TalosBlack

    Outlook enabling/disabling fields

    After much guessing i got: Sub CheckBox1_Click() Set CheckBox1 = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("Data").Controls("CheckBox1") Set TextBox2 = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("Data").Controls("TextBox2") Set TextBox14 =...
  13. TalosBlack

    Outlook enabling/disabling fields

    I am trying to use VBScript to make an OutLook form for the first time. I can't figure out what i need to do to refer to a specific field. By looking at online documentation i thought that somehting like this might work: Sub CheckBox1_Click() Set HMM = CheckBox1.Value If HMM.Value=True Then...
  14. TalosBlack

    shortcuts their targets and retreiving stats (last mod/size)

    I am writting a program that retreivew file statistics of all the files in a given directory. I want to be able to retreive data about a file that is reffered to by a link in the directory i am searching. Ex. c:\Folder\Shortcut to destination.lnk whose target is c:\destination.txt. I found...
  15. TalosBlack

    target of a shortcut

    Can someone explain to me or tell me what i should read to understand what link targets that look like this means: C:\Ateasy\Ateasy.exe /CC:\ateasy\J8142\cfg\180s-01.cfg /LC:\ateasy\j8142\prg\180sC00.prg I understand c:\Ateasy\Ateasy.exe ... there is a folder on the c drive that contains the...
  16. TalosBlack

    Searching from the begining of a text file ...seekg() ?

    I believe i need namespace to use some of those functions. I currently can't do that because i'm using msvc++ 4.0. I talked to my boss and should be getting 6.0 or .NET soon, however, i don't have it yet. Nonetheless thanks for all your help. John
  17. TalosBlack

    Searching from the begining of a text file ...seekg() ?

    Sounds good. I don't see exactly what the code is doing yet but i will do as you say and play with the skeleton. Thanks a lot, John
  18. TalosBlack

    Searching from the begining of a text file ...seekg() ?

    I believe my problem was the eof error flag once set high didn't go low when i gave it a new pointer to the begining of the file. So now after the while loop finishes and eof state is reached I use in.clear() to clear the error states and then continue with the other things i was trying to do...
  19. TalosBlack

    Searching from the begining of a text file ...seekg() ?

    infinitie loop in this loop: do { in.getline(temp,100); }while((strncmp(temp, "File Listing",12)) != 0);

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