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Search results for query: *

  1. tc3596

    Datagrid, ComboBox and Default Values

    I have a datagrid on my windows form with a combo box, which I dynamically create at runtime. Everything works great. I choose a value, I save it, it saves correctly. FYI, the datagrid is unbound. However, I can't seem to find a way to populate the combo box with the value from the saved...
  2. tc3596

    XMLDocument with no node..I think

    I need my function to pass back data as a XMLDocument The result needs to be as.... <Challenge><\Challenge> <Reponse><\Response> The service seems to auto place an xml declaration, so I don't need to put that in place. Also, it puts back a GetNewPalletInfoResponse node as well.... How can i...
  3. tc3596

    Web Service Issues

    I am pretty new to web services, so I hope this does not sound too newbie like, but I appreciate any thoughts any one has on this topic. I am writing a VB.Net (Visual Studio 2008) web service. In testing, in Windows (locally), the program displays in internet explorer with the 5 parameters the...
  4. tc3596

    Web Service DataSet question

    I have created a Web Service using Visual Studio 2008. It passes a dataset back to the calling service. I need to get the data back ni a specific format.. For Example.. <?xml version="1.0"?> <Envelope> elements are.. <Challenge /> <Response /> </Envelop> Currently, the resultset looks more...
  5. tc3596

    Report Layout Options

    I am fairly new to SSRS. I come from a Crystal world where it seems that everything is pretty easy to do. Trying to replicate this functionality in SSRS can be cumbersome and non intuitive. Anyway, I have been trying to come up withy this particular layout, but have not been able to do so. I...
  6. tc3596

    Unexpected Call to Method or Property Access error

    Hopefully, someone can assist me with this as it is officially driving me crazy at this point. I have a web page with a number of records in a list...each has a checkbox. User can check however many records they choose. After selecting (i.e. 5 ) checkboxes, they click a button to email these...
  7. tc3596

    Popultaing a ListView

    Thanks for your response. My data was not displaying correctly because I needed to set the view property to details. I can't believe this isn't a default setting. I like the loop of the getname property. Thanks.
  8. tc3596

    Popultaing a ListView

    I have read many articles on this and nothing seems to work...Here is my code.. Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection myConnection = New SqlConnection("server=localhost;database=TestDB;Trusted_Connection=Yes;") Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand("Select Top 100 SNR_Id,Ord_no...
  9. tc3596

    Using SMO to Create Table scripts with Dependencies

    I was reading up o dependency trees with smo...that may be my answer...thanks for repoonding.
  10. tc3596

    Using SMO to Create Table scripts with Dependencies

    Here is my situation. I have a table which has 1 column. This column contains the table names I need scripted out to their own individual sql files. Via a SSIS package, I loop through each row and create a table script with dependencies set to true. That all works great. Here is my...
  11. tc3596

    CDO with one bad email

    Thanks for the responses. In the case of the bad email, the user was removed from the email server. Anyway, to validate that email is on server?
  12. tc3596

    CDO with one bad email

    I am using CDO via ASP to send out to multiple "To" receipients. This is working fine. However, if one of those emails is invalid, nothing gets sent out. ASPMAIL could be trapped for this or it send out all by that one bad one. Can cdo.nessage do this? Thanks.
  13. tc3596

    Email Options

    ok...I get it now. Windows is irrelevant. So System.Net.Mail, any issues I should be concerned with? Do i have to know about users and which email server they use, etc...?
  14. tc3596

    Email Options

    sorry, ny users on windows i meant servers not pc's. All running IIS.
  15. tc3596

    Email Options

    I have a web site that was written mostly using ASP classic (some pages use .NET). It will eventually all get rewritten using .NET. Currently, I am using ASPMail which is an older technology. I was reading about CDOSYS (ASP classic) and System.Web.Mail and/or System.Net.Mail classes. I'd...
  16. tc3596

    InnerHTML - function with elementId help

    you are correct.. i did solve this using ajax. Learned alot. Thanks for your reply.
  17. tc3596

    InnerHTML - function with elementId help

    I am knew to javascript, so I hope this question doesn't seem too novice. Basically a user types in a customer number and I need to populate a customer name. I have a built in function that will do the lookup when you pass it the table, field and where claus. Here is the line of code...
  18. tc3596

    Set a variable within VBScript

    Basically I have 2 browsers on the screen. The 1st browser calls Dice() after someone clicks it and chooses an item in the new browser window. Dice() updates the input control "lazy" with the correct uniqueidentifier of what was selected. Now, here is my issue. I have another browser that I...
  19. tc3596

    Set a variable within VBScript

    I'll try to explain myself clearly. Here is some code... <% Option Explicit Response.Expires = -1 Response.Buffer = True Dim vScaleNo %> <input id="lazy" type="hidden"> call dice() <script language="vbscript" type="text/vbscript"> sub Dice() dim Prj Prj =...
  20. tc3596

    pass function an array from Page_Load

    Here's my situation. I am trying to create a chart and display it on a web page. I found some code that does all of this for me using javascript. Unfortunately, the example hard codes the array values (chart is actualy a gantt chart). As a matter of fact, all the examples hard code the data...

Part and Inventory Search
