Hibernate seems to be a popular open source database persistance tool. You can get a plugin toolset for eclipse from JBoss/tools website. It has some code generators for some of the conection config files. I have noticed from a stack trace that ExpressScripts uses hibernate and Struts for its...
The version of the book "Thinking in Java" that I bought came with a disk that presented some the material in a video lecture format if that would help.
As far as IDEs go, the instuctior for my traing classes and the contractors developing the app for where I work use Eclipse. From a...
The driver company found some documentation that had references to a property that helped us with the problem. We entered "Default Length For Long Data=11000" into the connection string to allow up to 10-11mb . That solved that problem
I am currently using an adodb.stream to save a word doc to a oracle blob field and retrieve it later using a stream. I have a document that is 1.23 mb in the blob, but when it is streamed back to a file, it get truncated to 1024kb.
This is the code that is used
' Create ADO stream...
I was able to have it shut down word properly if I set myword.printout Background:=False. It seems to close properly after changing this setting in both Word 97 and 2002.
I am currently using a word template to produce a document populated from VB6. The template was originally run and created in word 97. The flow is that if word was not originally running, it gets closed after printing the document. I am using:
myWord.Quit savechanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
I put the code in after I set the template path and a couple other places. It seemed to execute the code correctly but I ended up with the same result. Any other suggestions?
On the project I am working on, I may have to paste up to 10k characters into bookmarks on a word template. The text goes in just fine but when the block would span the end of a page, it starts on the top of the next page. If it is longer than a page, it trunks at the bottom of the page...
I saw in an earlier post that the ocx will be supported up to version 8.5. Does that mean that Crystal reports will not help with questions or that the ocx will not function if the report is generated with the post-8.5 crpe32.dll? Just kind of curious.
I saved the template in version 8.5 and the info in the exported report characteristics said it was version 8.0. This seems to work but the info in the exported txt file is less than the template when it was created in version 8.0.
Will a template saved in version 8.5 run properly in an application setup for version 8.0? I do not have authority to run the application to test it on my own.
I was given(had dumped on me) a system with many crystal reports templates. What documentation I could find said CR 5. I am starting to suspect that there a conversion recently. How can I determine what version of crystal reports are the reports in?
I am trying to make an short term work-around for a crystal report that I am supporting. I have a CR 6 template with subforms that I create in VB6. Another application that <1% of our users get,Remedy helpdesk, overlays the CR6 crpe32.dll with the CR8.5 version. The template works ok but the...
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