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  • Users: WebNickson
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  1. WebNickson

    submitting form on calling window from code in child window

    Bob, did you try using my suggestion? It will work. You will have to do the submitting first before closing. The closing will be instantaneously executed after the submitting the parent form. For your other edit button, you will simply just put another javascript onclick action such as...
  2. WebNickson

    Retrieving the address list from Exchange

    Is it possible to retrieve the address list of a particular user from his acct in the Exchange server using ASP? rgds, Nickson
  3. WebNickson

    Once Again, Is there an easier way to code this?

    I am not too good trying to understand your code but i think you can reduce a lot of lines by converting ur Array declaration to fieldName = Array ("People_BusinessName.tbl_people", "...", "...") I joined the 2 fields together to 1 array because the code does not...
  4. WebNickson

    submitting form on calling window from code in child window

    Just a reminder, users can also press the enter key that can cause the form to submit. Under such cases, the onClick action would be ignored. It may be better to put the calling just at <form onSubmit=&quot;opener.document.forms['SubmitThread'].submit(); window.close();&quot;> rgds, Nickson
  5. WebNickson

    Table Design Qn

    Hi, I have a Form that comprises of abt 50 entries in the same page. Most of the entries can only have 1 value except for 3 entries which can have multiple values. There is no constraints imposed on each other for these 3 entries. Under such circumstances, how should the database tables to...
  6. WebNickson

    How to see which users with a session are online ?

    Though this may not be what you want, I would recommend you to keep a text log instead. It uses very little resources. Personally I log my users during login and logout for my system using the following subroutine. <% Const ForAppending = 8 Sub WriteToLog(myText) Dim fso Dim ts Dim...
  7. WebNickson

    Putting values into an Excel file

    Hi, Basically, I need to retrieve the values from my database and put these values into a Excel file (a template file). After completion of the generation, I need to save the file and let the user retrieve it. How best should I accomplish the above? If VBA is used, wouldn't there be problems...
  8. WebNickson

    Always On Top Button

    lol... that was funny on the <input type=&quot;button&quot; value=&quot;Always On Top&quot;>. You brighten my day with this joke since I hitting with lots of scripting problem today! Anyway, what I wanted is a button that is always at a fix location(lower right corner) in the browser. The...
  9. WebNickson

    response.redirect question

    Hi lovejaeeun, basically all the statements before the redirection will be processed. Anything after will not be processed since processing is now redirected to the new page. You have to note that the redirection will not bring across the variables values. You can use Session variables or...
  10. WebNickson

    Always On Top Button

    Hi, Can someone teach me how to do a &quot;Always On Top Button&quot; using the simplest code possible? I only need it to work in IE. Thx in advance. rgds, Nickson
  11. WebNickson

    Always On Top Button

    HI, Can someone teach me how to do a &quot;Always On Top Button&quot; using the simplest code possible? I only need it to work in IE. Thx in advance. rgds, Nickson
  12. WebNickson

    Export to Excel Problem

    Phew... Problem has been solved. Pls ignore my question :p rgds, Nickson
  13. WebNickson

    Export to Excel Problem

    Hi, I've created a web page that exports the data directly to Excel using &quot;Response.ContentType = &quot;application/vnd.ms-excel&quot;. But it does not open in machines with IE 5.5. I've tried on machines with IE 6 and they work perfectly! For IE 5.5, the screen just appears blank and it...
  14. WebNickson

    Capturing a Tab Keystroke

    fyi, I've solved the problem... changed from keypress event to keydown event and it worked. rgds, Nickson
  15. WebNickson

    Simulte Shift &amp; Right keyboard events

    I think I got the answer for you.. did you try evt.shiftRight! rgds, Nickson
  16. WebNickson

    Capturing a Tab Keystroke

    lol... we have very similar problem where the pressed key is not responding. I tried to solve your problem with evt.shiftKey. It responded to Shift-A, etc but not Shift-Right Arrow! Headache man! rgds, Nickson
  17. WebNickson

    Capturing a Tab Keystroke

    Hi, Can someone show me how to capture a Tab Keystroke in an input box? I tried the following code but it's not working... if (window.event.keyCode == 09) {alert('That\'s the TAB key')}; rgds, Nickson
  18. WebNickson

    DBLink Question

    I've gone to do some more testings. Maybe I should explain on my code and what I've observed... Case 1 : Code I have an asp page that executes the sql with the dblink and of course ODBC connection is used. In addition, connection pooling is enabled for the ODBC connection. Testing & Result The...
  19. WebNickson

    DBLink Question

    I currently assess data from one database to another db located on another server using dblink. My question is 1) How long does Oracle keep the dblink connection &quot;alive&quot; since the first connection? 2) If ODBC connection is used to execute the query using the dblink, will the ODBC...
  20. WebNickson

    Poor performance calling a stored procedure

    Brian, could you explain in greater detail? Are you saying this : If n = 1 Then Command1.Parameters.Append Command1.CreateParameter (&quot;RV_FROMCODE&quot;, 200, 1,6) Command1.Parameters.Append Command1.CreateParameter(&quot;RV_RESULT&quot;, 200, 1,6) End If...

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