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  • Congratulations SkipVought on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  1. TheBitDoctor

    Excel - Data Matching

    Elfa: Enter this formula in column C: =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(B1,$A$1:$A$10,1,FALSE)),"No","Yes") If this formula is in cell C1 then it will return 'Yes' if the value in cell B1 is anywhere in the list contained in column A. If you want to search all of column A and not just cells 1 through 10...
  2. TheBitDoctor

    Update dropdown boxes

    Vittles: This code will pull data from an Excel file and populate a ComboBox in a Word doc. First you'll need to copy this data to a test file: "C:\Data\States.xls" State Value Year ALABAMA  287.14 2006 ALASKA 281.95 2000 ARIZONA  301.76 2000 ARKANSAS 809.75 2006 CALIFORNIA 813.27 2004...
  3. TheBitDoctor

    How to return CurrentUser's Email Address?

    Gerry: What do you get when you use the immediate window of the VBE to check these values: ThisOutlookSession.Session.Type ThisOutlookSession.Session.CurrentUser Are you connecting to an exchange server? I'm using a POP3 connection to my ISP's server. Ron
  4. TheBitDoctor

    Sender's email address in Outlook

    PH: What version of Outlook are you using. I'm using Outlook 2000 and it doesn't support the 'SenderEmailAddress' property for the Outlook.MailItem message object. That would be too logical and much too easy for billy boy! And, yes I do run into the $%^&%^*#@ security warning for scripts within...
  5. TheBitDoctor

    Sender's email address in Outlook

    I've diverted a set of messages into a folder based on the subject line. Now I want to search a database using the senders email address but I can't get to the information I need using Outlook VBA. I'm using this code: Dim ol As New Outlook.Application Dim ns As Outlook.NameSpace...
  6. TheBitDoctor

    How to return CurrentUser's Email Address?

    Looks like the namespace isn't set right. I used: Set ol = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set ns = ol.GetNamespace("MAPI") MsgBox ns.CurrentUser.Name MsgBox ns.CurrentUser.Address and it provided the info you wanted. Look up the 'Recipient' object to get the details.
  7. TheBitDoctor

    Blob data type Access 2000 RS

    Check this out at MSDN: 'Managing ntext, text, and image Data' http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/acdata/ac_8_qd_13_8orl.asp Especially, the GetChunk function under the link to 'Managing Long Data Types' within the ADO section...
  8. TheBitDoctor

    Find rows where natural Excel page breaks occur

    EddyH: I got so "entangled" with my own code I forgot about your second question. (By the way, you'll get better visibility if you post your questions on independent threads.) Here's my code. PH was on the right track, the trick is to use the "FormulaR1C1" property or the...
  9. TheBitDoctor

    Find rows where natural Excel page breaks occur

    EddyH: I've always found Tony's tips to be on the mark and very helpful so I've nothing to be upset about over his star. But, &quot;disentangle&quot;, now that hurts! :-< To walk you through it: If you make a call to GetFinalPageCounts (See updated code below), first the function turns off...
  10. TheBitDoctor

    Handling #N/A in a cell

    Your on the right track. Just use the formula twice: =IF(ISERROR(MATCH(5,A1:A20,0)),0,MATCH(5,A1:A20,0)) Once to check for the error and the second to insert the corect value incase there isn't any error. Just be sure to replace the error value with one that can't be a part of your solution...
  11. TheBitDoctor

    how to draw three series graph

    After tweeking a recorded Macro this would be one method: ActiveSheet.Range(&quot;A1:C20&quot;).Select Charts.Add ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets(&quot;Sheet1&quot;).Range(&quot;A1:C20&quot;), PlotBy _ :=xlColumns ActiveChart.ChartType = xlSurface...
  12. TheBitDoctor

    Where are the Outlook Guru's? I need help

    The default location for your email database is: C:\Documents and Settings\<Your User Name>\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook and the default name is &quot;outlook.pst&quot; try searching your drive for any .PST files again. If you find any use the &quot;File|Open PST...
  13. TheBitDoctor

    Find rows where natural Excel page breaks occur

    EddyH: Looping through all the rows could take quite a while. Try the following code instead: Public Enum ViewPointAction SaveViewpoint = 1 RestoreViewpoint = 2 End Enum Sub SelectRealLastCell() Dim lRealLastRow As Long Dim lRealLastColumn As Long Range(&quot;A1&quot;).Select...
  14. TheBitDoctor

    Changing EXE's path on 100's PC's...efficiently?!

    sciclunam: check out: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/technet/scriptcenter/scrguide/sas_wsh_aytf.asp You'll need to check the TargetPath property for your old path value and change it to your new path. ie: from: TargetPath = &quot;C:\MyData\Old\Path\MyFile.exe&quot...
  15. TheBitDoctor

    Find rows where natural Excel page breaks occur

    EddyH: Try this: Sub Test1() Dim X As HPageBreaks Dim pb As HPageBreak Set X = Worksheets(1).HPageBreaks MsgBox &quot;Page Break count: &quot; & X.Count 'This is required to populate the HPageBreaks collection!?!? ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Select For Each pb In X...
  16. TheBitDoctor

    URGENT-How do I kill Auto Open in Word vb

    Pluz: I can't remember how to reference the VBA code but I have come across it somewhere. You can rename the VBE Project to something specific and find a reference to it in the browser. Otherwise, you could add a switch to the auto_open routine. Place an exit_if at the begining of your...
  17. TheBitDoctor

    e-mailing excel files with macros - problem

    bikerted: Each user has a file in their profile directory named &quot;Excel.xlb&quot; that holds their personal toolbar customizations. Excel opens this file automatically so your users can't open a second one without getting the file already open error you described. To distribute a custom...
  18. TheBitDoctor

    FileCopy all files

    GP: The FileCopy method may not be able to use wildcard characters. Try using a specific file name. You may have to use &quot;Dir&quot; first and feed the results to this method. Or, you can use a command shell and perform a copy there using wildcard characters: ID = Shell(&quot;CMD /C Xcopy...
  19. TheBitDoctor

    padding with zeroes and spaces in excel

    spastica: You can't quite do what you want. If you leave the cell value as a numeric then you can not change it's internal representation. I mean you can't change 500.00 to 000500.00. What you can do is change how the cell value is displayed. By changing the cell format you can get 500.00 to be...
  20. TheBitDoctor

    Showing Ownership

    woodrasj: I don't know if this relates to your current situation but when I worked with a Novell server a missing file owner meant that a file was owned by a user whose account had been deleted or corrupted. I was told then that the only way to determine who owned a file like this would be to...

Part and Inventory Search
