I know this has been addressed in other threads, but there has not been a resolution.
I have several phones which have a message waiting light each morning. If I disable the nightly resource recovery the lights do not show up in the morning, but then the 3300 will crash every few weeks. The...
The first hop you are seeing of must be the outside address of you WRT54g. The linksys is report this back. This is completely normal for a broadband router becasue the whole device is the first hope which can be reported back as either the inside (192.168) or outside ( address.
With this amount of users I would suggest going with a Wireless Mesh setup. Basically a mesh uses 802.11A radios as a backhaul creating a virtual ehternet switch via wireless, then B/G radios for client access. You can get (cheaper) units with just the 802.11A radios and an Ethernet port to...
Hi all,
I have a rather large deployment of Radiant touch screen pos terminals runing XP Pro. We have been having a problem which seems to be shift getting stuck on. So when the user inputs a "1" an "!" gets inputed into this system, etc.
It can be fixed by bringing up the On Screen Keyboard...
The context of the arp command is:
arp ip-address hardware-address encapsulation-type
You cannot specify the interface, as that is just informational for which interface the ip - mac address peer was discovered on.
When you entered:
"Now here I at least do not get an error:
What are yuo trying to acomplish by this? You should not need to add a static ARP entry to you router. What device has and IP address of
Are the users who can't open OWA sitting behind firewalls? I've had the exact same syumptoms many times with owa as some of my employee's sit behind very strict application based firewalls at banks. Basically they have port 80 open but analyze the http traffic and some of the OWA stuff gets...
Hi All,
I am trying to export a list of all users and contacts in my AD Domain. The key issue I'm having is that I want to have all of the contact data attributes nit just Name and Description. Anyone know how to do this or have some VBS written for it?
Arp -a will work if you have communicated with the machine in question via ip. If you have DHCP you could look a the leased addresses. Also, there is a cool tool called megaping that you can get from download.com/
Hi All,
Strange issue.
Started as a problem opening pdf's in IE. Unable to open PDF's in a webpage. Went to add-in manager under IE options/ programs and I see that the acrobat add-in is installed however it is disabled and and I don't have the option to enable. Also noticed that the add-in...
AH yes the easy days back when exchange 5.5 had the GALMOD32.exe. Unfortunately not so easy with AD.
There are some 3rd party options out there however that work with AD. Do a search for Account Central by add on products or imanami's webdir. they both have demo's I've tried and both work.
Figured it out. My DC had a full name of <server> rather than <server.mydomain.com>. Found a VB script to fix it without having to demote/ promote the DC. MS KB 257623
Hi all,
I keep getting this error message on one of my DC in a 2 windows 2000 DC setup. This is the only error message I get on this server. I checked all of the usual network connectivity stuff and all is good.
Event Type: Warning
Event Source: NTDS Replication
Event Category: (5)...
Thought this was an interesting question so I asked around, one friend who works at M$ support basically said this: There is no set limit on the number of printers you can have setup on windows 2000 server (or 2kpro, xp, 2003). You would have problems at some point filling up the registry. And...
Here is the batch command that will create a directory of today's date (mmddyyyy) on server called DATA with a share called DATA. Then copy the file test.bat to that directory
This should be a good starting point for you to work from.
FOR /F "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%I IN ('DATE /t')...
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