I have a message box javascript that determains what button the user clicks and returns certain messages based on that chocie. I also have asp script within the javascript logic that needs to run base on the choice, however the asp seems to run regardless of the button choice. Here is the...
I have a file called test.sql that has some SQL command and I want to load this file from the command line of MS SQL, but have forgotten the command. Can anyone tell me what the command and syntax is for loading this file from the SQL command line with SQL Server express.
This is likely an easy question, but I can't figure it out and its very annoying. I have some toolbars that I dont want to show in excel, each time excel opens I go to view-> toolbars and uncheck the ones I dont want but everytime I reopen excel the are back no matter if its a new blank sheet...
I have a marco that monitors changes in a text box, when a change is made it selects rows a1-a99, cuts them and pastes it to cell a2-a100 then inserts the new value in a1. This works fine, I also have 9 countif formula's that watch watch data is in cells a1 - a100 and counts the instances of...
I tried your other suggestion with the Workbook_BeforeClose event and put in my Workbooks.open line and that wont even excute, any other code I put in will run but it just passes over the workbooks.open. Even if I had a call to another sub that used workbooks.open it will still not excute. Why???
What I am trying to do is this, have a workbook open on startup, book1.xls. This file will use the date and a file name to create a new file but first it checks if that file already exsists. For example:
NewWkbName = "book_" & Format(Now, ["DD,MM,YY"]) &...
I had the code of workbooks("book1").close inline before and tried the code you suggested and all three times the same thing happened, after the workbook closed it stopped the excution on the first workbooks sub. I think what is happening is that book1 takes focus away from...
When I run the code line by line when it closes the workbook the excution stops, if I were to hit F8 another time it will restart the code for the begining which I dont want it to do. When the code excutes on its own this is were it stops. There must be a command to excute the close then...
I tried the workbook("book1.xls").close but the same thing kept happing, the next line dose not run.
I tried the activate so that when the other workbook closed and focus returned to the first sheet then I could use the activate sub to contiune my code.
I just thought there must be a...
I have code that activates another workbook to close it, but I want the next line of code to excute after the other workbook has close.
I have used workbooks("book1.xls").Activate to active the other sheet then used thisworkbook.close under the Workbook_Activate() sub. Once that book...
I have a Flexgrid in my form which is populated with data from an access database. I have it able to display about 20 records horizontally but data is requested the records returned could be more then 20 so any after that are not displayed. I would like to know how to display scrollbars on the...
I have a problem seems fairly easy but I am having a difficult time with. I have a flexgrid in my form that gets populated with data from an access file. I want scroll bars to appear when the data exceeds the size of the form; either horizontal or vertical. I have set the scrollbars property...
I have two tables, one table has two fields with numbers, the other table has relationships with the first. I want a field in the second table to take the values of the number fields from the first table multipy them and have the result in the second tables field. How would I go about doing...
I was wondering how you might find out if a networked computer has crashed or is working on the network. I was thinking the easiest way would to be send a ping command out and if there was a response the program not do anything if there was no reply then the program would do something. I was...
I have a excel workbook(a) that opens other excel workbooks(b), selects a range copies the data and pastes it back in the first workbook(a) then close's workbook(b). The problem is workbook(b) has marcos that run when it opens. Is there a way with workbook(a) to have something like...
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