Thanks for the reply, white605. My research so far indicates that the application integrity level and the office application integrity level being different (protected mode vs. administrator) is causing people grief. I have yet to find any reasonable workaround on the net. I will continue to...
I have several VFP6 applications that run smoothly in Win 98 - XP environments. They also appear to work (so far) in Vista. However, one element I am unable to test in Vista is the email interface capability where VFP6 uses createobject to launch Outlook for mail server. Is anyone using this...
Greetings again. Since my initial post, I have tried more drivers without success. In the event anyone else attempts this with Win 98, I wanted to let you know what drivers haven't worked with
REPORT FORM myreport TO FILE tifname.TIF
in Win 98:
MS Fax from Win98 CD
Fax Wizard 2000
Greetings. I am using VFP6. I have an application that creates TIF files for subsequent viewing via ShellExecute of default viewer. This works great in XP with the default FAX driver set as current printer:
REPORT FORM someReport TO FILE tifname.TIF...
I am VFP6 programmer with little knowledge of web interfaces. I am looking for a suggested method of sending requests for customer information from a VFP6 application used by numerous clients in various locations to a specific Apache web server, and receiving a reply, without any browser...
We also had slow response after adding new Windows 2000 workstations. MEMLIMIT=10000000 in the CONFIG.FPW helped immensely. Also, maybe saying what you already know, but making sure temporary files are directed to local drives helped also. Hope this helps.
Chris - Thanks - you pointed me in the right direction - I moved my visible/enabled=.F. out of the grid column lostfocus where if was flag driven, and put it in other column gotfocus. Still mystified at the random nature of this, but I think it may have to do with sometimes a double mouse click...
There is a program CPZERO.PRG available for download from MicroSoft that will put a codepage byte into a database header. You just provide the name of the file and the code page (see Microsoft support Q129631)
Hope this helps.
I have a top level modeless form with text boxes and a grid with multiple columns, rowsource is a .dbf which I append blank records to. All works fine. Now, I have added a listbox which I enable/visible when user has keyed 4 characters into grid column 1. The listbox provides a list of up to...
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