The problem is fixed but I honestly don't remember how because it was a while ago... here is a current code snipet that works for me...
<cfmail to="#EMailAddress_email#" from="#form.replyto#" subject="#form.subject#" type="html">
<cfmailparam name="Message-id"...
I am trying to figure out what the variable would be for the users desktop. what i am doing is having the users click a submit button and then i want cffile to create the file on their desktop. But users may be using different OS and needs to be under their username (i.e. C:\Documents and...
Here is a code snipet...
<cfmail to="#form.sample_email#" from="#form.from# <#form.replyto#>" subject="#form.subject#" type="HTML">
First MI Last <br> Company Name, <br><br>#form.msg# <br>
<br>Send a blank email to <a...
I am using coldfusion to do a mail merge and all of a sudden the server will not mail. It gives me "An exception occurred when setting up mail server parameters" error and says it cannot file the specified file. But once I restart the service it works fine. Then it...
I want to develope a fax merge application using coldfusion for our faxmaker server here at my office. This way employees can do mass faxes against a database dynamically. There is a feature of Faxmaker which is called netprintqueue2fax. it installs as a printer and you print to it and it parses...
its been a while but have you ever found a solution to this problem? I too am having the same issue in developing a mail merge program for my company that will be used to send out html newsletters. thankyou
Rocco Juliano
Heart of Florida United Way
thread232-80716 the post above the question is asked but never answered. I am developing a mail merge application using coldfusion that will be used to send out html newsletters. There will be plenty of graphics as a result. The clients can't be bothered with attaching every picture. They need a...
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