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Search results for query: *

  1. cadencep45

    active directory link one account password to another

    thanks for taking the time to look at it anyhow.
  2. cadencep45

    active directory link one account password to another

    Sorry, SAMBA is not a runner. Besides, the issue is not sharing files, it is for want of a better description being able to make a soft link between a specifically named account to an administration account, to allow the specifically named account to use any passwords set in the administration...
  3. cadencep45

    active directory link one account password to another

    Hi, I would like to be able to do the following, if possible. Create a central admin account under AD with strong password policy. No problem. Create a site level account which maps to root under unix. this can be done. Link the password from the site level account to the central admin...
  4. cadencep45

    printing word bookmark list, with pages reference

    thanks for the feedback on VBA. Just some quick feedback on wdActiveEndPageNumber. This works most of the time. It gets confused if the bookmarks are in tables, as it provides the wrong page number. This is a known bug with microsoft. ie see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/241714
  5. cadencep45

    printing word bookmark list, with pages reference

    this works. I stuck it in as; Sub BkMarkList() Dim J As Integer Selection.TypeParagraph Selection.InsertBreak Type:=wdColumnBreak Selection.TypeText Text:="Bookmark list for " Selection.TypeText Text:=ActiveDocument.Name Selection.TypeParagraph For J = 1 To...
  6. cadencep45

    printing word bookmark list, with pages reference

    Hi, I am trying to do the following Print a list of bookmarks in a document, with a page reference for each bookmark. I can get a list ok, by running the following macro; Sub BkMarkList() Dim J As Integer Selection.TypeParagraph Selection.InsertBreak Type:=wdColumnBreak...
  7. cadencep45

    Aborted due to inactivity

    Depends on the client type. If the clients are ndmp, and the saveset takes more than the inactivity timeout to prepare data ( walk data tree to prepare indexes ), then it will timeout before data streams ), this can occur is data grows above existing timeout window.
  8. cadencep45

    scalar as operator

    ok the answer is; $examplecomparison = "> 0.5"; $comparision = 0.3 if ( eval "$comparision $examplecomparision) { print "exception created \n"; }; ( I went experimenting ).
  9. cadencep45

    scalar as operator

    oops, typo, not about it, above it in the origional post.
  10. cadencep45

    scalar as operator

    no typo, see the if statement about it. Its how to express it is my question. I am not saying the second statement is correct ( in fact I know its not ), but how do I get the contents of the string to be parsed rather than a string reference. There might be other ways, ie eval ?
  11. cadencep45

    scalar as operator

    I want to use a scalar, ie a string contents as an operator, but am unsure how to define it. Best explained by example. $examplecomparison = "> 0.5"; $comparision = 0.3 what I want to say is; if ( $comparision > 0.5 ) { print "exception created \n"; }; but I have a large...
  12. cadencep45

    legato ndmp restore issue

    Hi, I have the following scenario Legato server : Solaris 8. Legato 7.1 filer / ndmp : netapp : ndmp version 4. NetApp Release 6.5.2R1: Problem. NDMP backups complete fine, no errors shown, however when I attempted a save set restore, I get the following error message; Tape record size is...
  13. cadencep45

    ssid recovery via ndmp

    I have to do a ndmp recovery of a save set which has fallen out of the browse period. I have identified the tape, and the ssid of the save set I require. The save set was created via ndmp. How do I do a ndmp save set recovery ? Tks, cadence
  14. cadencep45

    Active Directory / NIS Gateway query

    I am currently looking at integrating Active Directory and unix boxes on our site. Our options appear to be; 1. Active Directory / NIS gatway such as PADL 2. Active Directory / NIS gatway such as Vintella 3. Active Directory / Microsoft SFU to provide a NIS gateway 4. LDAP client on unix...
  15. cadencep45

    reviewing old tapes

    Thanks for the responces. 605, when you say run scanner, are you assuming that I run this for every tape ? As there are approx 500 tapes, I hope not ? I like the mminfo query however, that makes alot of sense. Can I run this is conjunction with the sugestion from Chapter 11, ie to recover...
  16. cadencep45

    reviewing old tapes

    I have approx 5 years worth of a mix of incremental and full backups on media dating from 4 years ago. The company moved buildings and changed backup media at that stage. So I am looking to review what is there and determine a policy regarding what to keep and what to throw out.My initial...
  17. cadencep45

    reovery of out of browse period file index

    Ah, makes sense. ( Trying to avoid a full recovery, and to further understand the split between file indexes and media ). Whe I backup the filer, I split the backup into two areas. Part 1 is the actual data, ie the tapes I have run the scanner on. Part 2 however are the indexes generated by...
  18. cadencep45

    reovery of out of browse period file index

    Thanks for the feedback, I have run this, and I get the following ( cut from output ) mminfo -v -q ssid=3769786113 size ssid fl lvl n 6620 MB 3769786113 hEN full 4665 MB 3769786113 tEN full As per the previous responce, this means; hEN The beginning of this save set is stored...
  19. cadencep45

    reovery of out of browse period file index

    Thanks for the responce. >And btw, there are no references to the ssid in the file >index - the savetime is all NW needs. So how can I verify that a particular saveset of browseable - I though what I did was fairly accurate. >So please check for the status again from the command line. >You...
  20. cadencep45

    reovery of out of browse period file index

    I could believe that, however when I check the client index, there are no reference to the SSID in the list of browseable savesets. ( How I did this was -From NT legato administrator, click on indexe tab, right client on client and click on show save sets). I also tried looking at the volume...

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