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Search results for query: *

  1. Naftali

    Changing component properties in module.

    If I get you right frmMain is the name of the form that you are using (i.e. frmMain.frm). In that case, when you call from the moudule to frmMain.<something>, it doesn't reffer to your frmMain, but to a new instance of the frmMain (you can check it by putting a breakpoint in the Form_Initialize...
  2. Naftali

    &quot;There is not enough memory or disk space to run&quot; Error Message

    Hi, I'm activating a loop that creates/adds tools to a menu (active bar), with their icons. The icons are loaded from a res file. When I run the exe file on a Windows95 environment I get the following error messages: 1. There is not enough memory or disk space to run. 2. Not enough storage is...
  3. Naftali

    How can I get an ID of arunning process

    Hi, I want to get the id of a procees according to it's name - same as I get for getCurrentProcess - but for another process. I'll really appreciate it if someone can help me out Thanks in advance, Naftali.
  4. Naftali

    DLL Memory leaks

    Hi All, I wish it was that simple. The problem is we are setting everything to Nothing and still have problem which means that even though we set to nothing there is still something that holds refernce to those Dll's(Own & third party - we have both), therefore we want to find a way that we can...
  5. Naftali

    DLL Memory leaks

    Hello All, We have a serious problem of memory leaks in our application that is caused because the fact that even when the application goes down the Dll's that it's using are still in the air (when we did restart to the computer the dll gave us an error message). We want to know how can we see...
  6. Naftali

    DLL Memory leaks

    Hello All, We have a serious problem of memory leaks in our application that is caused because the fact that even when the application goes down the Dll's that it's using are still in the air (when we did restart to the computer the dll gave us an error message). We want to know how can we see...
  7. Naftali

    how to get a textbox value in another form textbox?

    If the form that you want to get values from is unloaded - its objects are set to NULL and you cannot get any data from them - in fact, the data is lost. If you want to get data from a form even after not seeing it you should make sure that no function/sub calls the unload (insterad you should...
  8. Naftali

    Problems with OpenProcess

    Hi Craftor, The OpenProcess function is used usually, when you want your application to wait until the program that you called with the Shell function finishes. It should look like this: Private Const SYNCHRONIZED = &H100000 Private Const INFINITE = &HFFFFFFFF Dim taskID As Long Dim...
  9. Naftali

    UnRegistering ActiveX EXE

    Well, just if anyone ever pops into this thread, the way to register/unregister is from the command line: &quot;componentName.exe /regserver&quot; for registering &quot;componentName.exe /unregserver&quot; for unregistering
  10. Naftali

    Determine Which Control Has Focus

    Just an idea: Why not have a global variable (string or enum) that will be set in each event of set_focus of each one of the controls. something like this: Public Enum Focused Text1 = 0 Text2 = 1 Command1 = 2 End Enum Public whoIsFocused As Focused Private Sub...
  11. Naftali

    How to run remove program (like Control Panel) through VB/API

    As far as I know there is no &quot;magic&quot; involved. The add/remove programs just activates the uninstallshield of the sepcified program. If anyone knows something better - I'll be more than happy to know
  12. Naftali

    Problems with registry API

    don't assign anything to it - just declare it. hKey is a value that is passed ByRef, and it RETURNS the handle to the subkey you looked for. The return code of the function itself is to determine if the function succeeded or not: If the function succeeded the return code is 0 (ERROR_SUCCESS)...
  13. Naftali

    UnRegistering ActiveX EXE

    Hi All, We are working with ActiveX exe components, and right now I'm trying to write our Install & uninstall wizard. I have no problem to register the ActiveX exe components by simply running them in a shell function - and that writes them into the registry. The problem is: How do I take...
  14. Naftali

    Problems with registry API

    just define hKey as long. After calling the API function the first time with one of the consts HKEY, you get in hKey the handle to a subkey you searched for. Now you can call the API again when hKey is the first parameter and the last one, too. This way you go &quot;down&quot; every time in...
  15. Naftali

    Synchronic Shell Function

    Thanks Ruairi. Is there a way that I can get also the exit code of the other process? Naftali
  16. Naftali

    Check the A: drive?

    Hi &quot;Fingers&quot; you can handle it in an easier way by using an error handler. After adding a button of driveListBox you can write the following code: Private Sub Drive1_Change() On Error GoTo ErrorHandling Dim intResult As Integer ErrorHandling: If Err.Number = 68...
  17. Naftali

    Synchronic Shell Function

    Hi All, I'm looking for a function that executes a program -like the Shell function- but I need one that will activate it synchronic (i.e. that I will have to wait till the other program completes its work) and to get a return code back. The similar function in C is spawnl(). Does anyone know...

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