OK- For those of you tunin' in...
The answer for the Java section was:
Syntax GotoFrame( frameNumber )
Example movie.GotoFrame(24);
And for those of us who need an "Introduction to Java" class what would it look like in the HTML?
I'm guessin'
"conspiracy" ah, my 3 favorite words... I just didn't log in before I posted... not sure why, I just didn't... thanks for the help... is it me or doesn't "oldnewuser" answer 99% of these questions?
I'm sure to be right back with more questions about this post as soon as I...
TEST1.swf <550x400>
On (Release)
Load Movie ("test2.swf",1)
End On
TEST2.swf <450x400>
On (Release)
Load Movie ("test3.swf",1)
End On
TEST3.swf <450x400>
Davdesign is right (I think-- still testing) about the SWF calling the movies in and killin' out the old movies as a way to make it work... I now just have to get used to that Flash function and make it all look pretty. (If it didn't need to look pretty, we'd all be usin' BasicA) Still, if...
I've been looking at the "url.htm" example from potap@mail.primorye.ru and it's flash from a txt file example... where a swf is reading from a txt file, I was thinking, I could have my SWF 1 write the VARIABLES to my HTML page and then have my SWF 2 pick them up... now I know that if...
you said "subsequent" ha ha ha ha!
no really, ha.
I appreciate your thoughts, and I have the idea, but the problem is that there is more than one Movie "A" there will be close to 300+ movies that will need to be playing the old switch-a-roo. (I don't tend to do things...
One movie loading the other 'eh? Hmmm I'll look into it...
The problem is that Movie "A" will load in the other Movie "A"s But Movie "B" need (must) only be opened once.
Thanks for the Quick help.
I mean I turn my head for a second and "BAMPF!" there...
(Flash 4) I have 2 movies on the same HTML page.
The actions of movie A need to change the text displayed in movie B.
I just can't figgure out how to get the variables of the 2 movies to talk to eachother.
Another example of what I am doing would be:
Movie a- "Enter your name here...
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