Considering using UDB V8 replication AIX-to-AIX. I wanted to do a check with some of you who may have implemented it, to see if there was a positive pattern of stability, accuracy, etc. (versus being error-prone) with this product before I start charging head-in.
Thomas V. Flaherty...
Try reading into "MTTR Advisory" in the Performance Tuning Guide:
Mean Time to Recover (MTTR) Advisory
Starting with Oracle9i Release 2 (9.2), MTTR advisory is available to help you evaluate the effect of different MTTR settings on system performance in terms of extra physical...
What refresh method are you trying to use? Please provide some sample code....
Thomas V. Flaherty Jr.
Birch Hill Technology Group, Inc.
I just went through a day or 2 of hell with a partitioned table issue in that I would like to share....
We have a table that is partitioned by RANGE (Subject Area) and subpartitioned by LIST (Month-Year). We are building a data warehouse and needed to reload data for one partition...
Anyone have any useful experience with MVs in 9iR2? I cannot get a FAST refresh to work with an Outer-Join non-Aggregate MView.
The Explain_MView results say "the unique constraints does not exist on the join columns of the inner table" when I clearly have a Primay Key (Unique)...
Your syntax looks ok. The fact that you have quotes around the column with spaces is a good thing.
Have you tried aggregating on a different that has a name with no spaces, just in case that's the problem?
If so, maybe your ODBC driver is outdated?
Thomas V. Flaherty Jr.
In order to reset the starting number, you have to drop and recreate the sequences. You cannot do this using ALTER SEQUENCE.
Thomas V. Flaherty Jr.
Birch Hill Technology Group, Inc.
Since you dont know how many words there are in each message (I'll also assume that each Message can have a variable number of words), you probably have to do this in a procedural fashion.
I can show the pseudo-code/logic but I do not know Access well enough to tell you it can be done. It...
A quick check on Solaris is:
$ ps -aef | grep pmon
ecomdbdev50% ps -aef | grep pmon
oracle 1609 1 0 Sep 06 ? 0:00 ora_pmon_<instance>
As you can see, any results that come back will tell you what instances are running. If you cannot connect, this is one way.
Thomas V...
Another FAQ entry...,,0x32234b3ef09fd611abdb0090277a778c,00.html
Thomas V. Flaherty Jr.
Birch Hill Technology Group, Inc.
Seems to be coming from Dr. Watson, related to possible incompatibility with printer drivers?
Thomas V. Flaherty Jr.
Birch Hill Technology Group, Inc.
I suggest you also go through this manual carefully.
Thomas V. Flaherty Jr.
Birch Hill Technology Group, Inc.
Some help with manually migrating from 805 to 816 (my preferred method). I personally don't see a need to export/import to migrate:
Also, a bug affecting some upgraders to 8.1.6
Thomas V. Flaherty Jr.
Not sure how far you have gone, so I'll start from square-1.
You need to create the PLAN_TABLE, which holds the execution plan details for a query you want to analyze. The script to do this is found in:
Once you have this table in place, you need to add...
You can use the following procedures from within the DBMS_STATS package to view statistics:
Thomas V. Flaherty Jr.
Birch Hill Technology Group, Inc.
You can use the DBMS_STATS package to view the statistics stored in the data dictionary or in a statistics table.
You can also query these data dictionary views for statistics in the data dictionary:
Table stats:
You can boost the performance of the pure SQL by parallelizing (provided you have more than 1 CPU):
This example assumes you have 4 or more CPUs
insert /*+ parallel(table1,4) */
into table_1
Edit the /etc/system file to allocate shared memory and semaphores for Oracle. Choose a value for shminfo_shmmax that is appropriate for your machine and the memory you want to use for Oracle shared memory...
From ORACLE docs:
ORA-01654 unable to extend index string.string by string in tablespace string
Cause: Failed to allocate an extent for index segment in tablespace.
Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated.
The tablespace where...
For a robust, good relational design, you need 3 tables (you can show the data from these 3 tables in a single form but do not confuse data design with application/form design - they are 2 entirely different things).
Table#1: Employee
EmpNumber -- this is the key value, a 'natural' key if...
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