Yeah, I tried that because I was the thinking the same thing.
The problem is that this query pulls back SOOO much data, that when I leave the date range out, it get the TEMP tablespace size issue.
I only have one patch of hair left and I'm about ready to pull it out :-!
I appreciate...
On a hunch, I tried:
(h.last_ship_date between to_date('{?startdate}' ,'YYYYMMDD')
and to_date('{?enddate}' ,'YYYYMMDD'))
and ......
But I get the message:
ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis
I also tried:
h.last_ship_date between (to_date('{?startdate}'...
I just tried putting it in a block form:
Select h.whse_ind, h.instance_ind, h.ord_no, h.cust_no, h.cust_name, h.dest_id, h.wght,, r.division, r.prod_fam, r.product_line, r.product_type, SUM(r.wght), SUM(r.act_qty) From v_rh_ordhead h, v_rh_orddetl r Where h.last_ship_date between...
version: Crystal Reports 9.0
I'm trying to add an SQL query with parameters int eh add command window and I keep getting the message:
Failed to open a rowset.
Details: HY000:[Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-00905: missing keyword.
Below is my SQL statement:
h.whse_ind, h.instance_ind...
I did consider that, but on my Report Hearder, I have a full page that absolutly needs to be printed in it's entirety.
So if I make C the page footer it messes up my report Header.
Any ideas???
Thanks, but that's not really what needs to be done.
Basically, I need to set the MAX LINES of the subreport so that it doesn't grow or everlap. Unfortunatly, the max lines option is grayed out on the sub report.
Ok, here is what I'm trying to do. The goal of this crystal report is to reproduce the paperwork for Canadian Custom Invoices.
I have a report that contains:
a Group Header A
a Group Header B
and a Group Header C
Group Header A (form header) is always 5 inches and must appear at the top of...
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