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  • Congratulations SkipVought on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  1. Kenny100

    Creating a convincing shadow

    Hi Folks I'm using CS 8.0. See this image here: Image of a fork You'll notice that the fork has a nice shadow. My problem is that I want to place the fork on a green background but still retain the shadow. What is the best way for me to do this? Should I remove the current shadow and create...
  2. Kenny100

    Changing Tint in an image

    Hi Folks This is something I've puzzled over for a while and, although I'm sure it's possible, I've got no idea how to do it ... I've got a small button graphic for use on my website. The button is red but is shaded so that it looks 3D. I'd like to somehow change this red button to be green...
  3. Kenny100

    Last 12 Months 'Crystal' Formula - Convert to SQL?

    All I wanted was this: SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE [Date] BETWEEN dateadd(m, -12, getdate()) AND getdate() Finally figured it out myself. Pretty simple now I look at it!
  4. Kenny100

    Last 12 Months 'Crystal' Formula - Convert to SQL?

    Thanks for being so patient synapsevampire. I'd already checked that option (Database > SQL Query) and it shows me the hard-coded SQL query i.e. SELECT "MyTable"."Name", "MyTable"."Date" FROM "MyDB"."dbo"."MyTable" "MyTable" WHERE ("MyTable"."Date">={ts '2004-05-01 00:00:00'} AND...
  5. Kenny100

    Last 12 Months 'Crystal' Formula - Convert to SQL?

    Sorry, what? All I'm asking for is some help with designing a SQL query with the resulting record set only including data from the last 12 months. I previously used the formula I wrote above, in 'Crystal', but I'm trying to replicate this functionality in a program called iReport and wondered...
  6. Kenny100

    Last 12 Months 'Crystal' Formula - Convert to SQL?

    Thanks guys. Yep, it's a SQL command I'm after. I want to limit the data coming into the report so that it is only the last 12 months I'm looking at.
  7. Kenny100

    Last 12 Months 'Crystal' Formula - Convert to SQL?

    Thanks Peter and sorry for the lack of clarity. Yes, after doing some more reading I can see that SQL varies quite a lot for different DBs. Anyway, I'm using SQL Server 2000 (SP3). The thing is I'm not sure what the difference between a SQL Expression and a SQL Command is! Care to inform me...
  8. Kenny100

    Last 12 Months 'Crystal' Formula - Convert to SQL?

    Hi Folks I managed to find a nice formula for 'Crystal' that selected data from my DB that had a date within the last 12 months. I put this in the 'Select Expert' for the 'Date' field: {MyTable.Date} in dateserial(year(currentdate - day(currentdate))...
  9. Kenny100

    Showing an average value on a chart

    Bummer ... just found conditional formatting for the chart but it only allows you to set a fixed number to test against, not a number from the result of a formula.
  10. Kenny100

    Showing an average value on a chart

    Hi there. I want to show the average of ALL values on the chart. Therefore I'd like either a dummy data point in the graph with a name like 'Average' OR a line running the width of the chart. Possible? I've looked at trend lines but they don't seem to do what I want. There is no option to...
  11. Kenny100

    Showing an average value on a chart

    Hi Folks ** Sorry but I posted this in the Crystal Reports 1 Formulas Forum yesterday but think this is a better forum for it. ** Here's an excerpt of the data I'm using in my chart: Place Value Site1 10 Site2 15 Site3 16 ... .. Each 'Value' is a formula field and is simply a total of...
  12. Kenny100

    Hide values on a chart but still show the data?

    Sorry folks, the graph SHOULD have looked more like this!!! 20| | ** 15| ** ** | ** ** 10| ** ** ** ** | ** ** ** ** ** 5 | ** ** **...
  13. Kenny100

    Hide values on a chart but still show the data?

    Hi Folks I have a chart showing a range of data: Place(x) Value (y) Site1 10 Site2 15 Site3 16 Site4 8 Site5 5 Site6 10 Site7 5 ... .. I'd like to be able to show all 'Place' values on the chart but 'hide' the names of the values. See the following...
  14. Kenny100

    Showing an average value on a chart

    Hi Folks I'm using the following data in my chart: Place Value Site1 10 Site2 15 Site3 16 ... .. Each 'Value' is a formula field and is simply a total of all values for that 'Place' e.g. for Site1 there are 3 values - 4 + 5 + 1 = 10. The chart shows a 'Value' for each change of...
  15. Kenny100

    Excel Chart Values

    The sheet will query the SQL Server DB every month for updated data (I'm going to create a macro to do this so the user simply clicks a button). In month 1 the data could be this: Location Quantity Site 001 12 Site 001 21 Site 002 12 Site 003 23 Site 003 24 In month 2...
  16. Kenny100

    Excel Chart Values

    ... and the reason for some of my confusion is that if I use MATCH to find the first occurrence of a Location and then use COUNTIF to count the number of rows for that Location ... how do I continute for the next Location and so on?
  17. Kenny100

    Excel Chart Values

    Phew! Thanks for the hard work Skip! Very impressive but any help with putting it all together?! I've read up on what each of the OFFSET, MATCH, and COUNTIF functions do but can't see how I would stick them all together. Sorry, I'm new to Excel so apologies for sounding thick!
  18. Kenny100

    Excel Chart Values

    I have the following data values in two columns in my Excel spreadsheet: Location Quantity Site 001 12 Site 001 21 Site 001 34 Site 002 12 Site 002 11 Site 003 23 Site 003 24 Site 003 43 Site 003 12 These come from a SQL database and are constantly changing. I'd like to create a...
  19. Kenny100

    SQL Query: Moving 12-month Data Window

    Thanks vongrunt. I came up with the following query that also seems to work. What additional benefits do your queries offer over mine? I'm not trying to say "my one is better" or anything! I'm just interested to know as I'm very new to SQL and need to keep increasing my knowledge! SELECT *...
  20. Kenny100

    SQL Query: Moving 12-month Data Window

    Hi Folks Just starting out in the world of SQL and am having a problem with dates. I have the following in a table called tblData: Date,Data 01/01/2004,123123123 01/02/2004,123123123 01/03/2004,123123123 01/04/2004,123123123 01/05/2004,123123123 01/06/2004,123123123 01/07/2004,123123123...

Part and Inventory Search
