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  • Congratulations SkipVought on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  1. eAlchemist

    Concatenating multiple text files

    OK, so how do I strip out the header? I know how to re-write the file line by line, but how do I just delete a line in the file? Thanks, Chris
  2. eAlchemist

    Concatenating multiple text files

    I have a problem that I've been wrestling with... I get a number of large text files (variable number of files ranging in size from 30-50MB) from clients that I need to concatenate together. They're all in the same format, but they all have column headers in them, so I can't simply copy the...
  3. eAlchemist

    .Visable help needed

    You might consider Option Explicit, then the debug will catch these sort of misspellings. Chris
  4. eAlchemist

    Help with Find/Replace in Excel from Access

    I have some code that opens an Excel file, and among other things removes quotation marks from the file. I set display alerts to false, but when it doesn't find a quote, I still get a message box letting me know. Anyone have any ideas on how to suppress this? Here is a snippet of the code...
  5. eAlchemist

    Problem with Excel select command

    That was a mistake in my copying it. It's correct as "Sales Index" in both places. Thanks, Chris
  6. eAlchemist

    Problem with Excel select command

    Can someone tell me why this line of code comes back with a Run-time error 1004 when I run it? It doesn't error out when I run it in the immediate window Sheets("Sales Index").Range(Cells(3, 56), Cells(Sheets("SalesIndex").Range("A2").SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row, 107)).Select
  7. eAlchemist

    A few Outlook Form Programming Questions

    Private Sub reqYes_Change() If reqYes Then reqNo = False reqAttendees.Enabled = True End If End Sub Private Sub reqNo_Change() If reqNo Then reqYes = False reqAttendees.Enabled = False End If End Sub Private Sub ScheduleDate_Exit()...
  8. eAlchemist

    Partial Array into Excel Range

    What I was actually looking for was something that will transfer the array in one operation, not one line. This would still require looping through the array, would it not? I was thinking something more like the way this works for the whole array...
  9. eAlchemist

    Partial Array into Excel Range

    I know how to assign a whole array to a range in Excel. Is there a way to assign a contiguos range of values within an array into a range of cells? I know that I can do it with a loop, but I'm wondering if I can do it in one line. Thanks, Chris P.S. I accidentally listed this in the MS...
  10. eAlchemist

    Partial Array into Excel Range

    I know how to assign a whole array to a range in Excel. Is there a way to assign a contiguos range of values within an array into a range of cells? I know that I can do it with a loop, but I'm wondering if I can do it in one line. Thanks, Chris
  11. eAlchemist

    VBA/ADO Runtime Error

    And thanks for all the help you've provided over the years PHV!!!
  12. eAlchemist

    VBA/ADO Runtime Error

    Sure enough. It was the aliases. Thanks Skip!!
  13. eAlchemist

    VBA/ADO Runtime Error

    I don't think it's the double quotes (and no, qry_Cost.Year is not numeric), as I'm using the same criteria elsewhere with no problem. Could it be the aliases? That doesn't make sense to me, but I guess I'll try it. Why would this work in Access, but not in ADO? Thanks, Chris
  14. eAlchemist

    VBA/ADO Runtime Error

    I keep getting a runtime error: The SELECT statement includes a reserved word or an argument name that is misspelled or missing, or the punctuation is incorrect. The query works fine if I paste it in Access, but won't work through ADO. I can't, for the life of me, figure out what the problem...
  15. eAlchemist

    Help with run-time error 3027

    lameid was spot on. Thanks for the help! Chris
  16. eAlchemist

    Help with run-time error 3027

    No. That's not it. It has been saved.
  17. eAlchemist

    Help with run-time error 3027

    Can someone tell me why I get run-time error 3027: "Cannot update. Databae or object is read-only." when I run this code: DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "Transaction Data Export Specification", _ "qry_TransactionTransformation", strPath & "TransactionTransformation", True but this works...
  18. eAlchemist

    ADO equivalent to Nz() Function?

    Anyone know if if there is an ADO equivalent to the Nz() funtion in Access. I have queries that work in Access that I reference through ADO, and they're not working. Anyone have any advice? I know I can use an IIF(IsNull([VALUE]),0,[VALUE]), but I'm hoping there is an easier way. Thanks, Chris
  19. eAlchemist

    Check if .execute method is successful for a file dialog

    Anyone know how to easily check to see if the .execute method was successful after a user selects a file in a file dialog? If the user selects a file already opened, they can opt out of opening it, so the .show = false won't work (because the selected a file, but the failure comes on the open)...
  20. eAlchemist

    Help with http://www.tek-tips.com/faqs.cfm?fid=4233

    PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You rule PHV. You've helped me out with lots of problems. Thnaks for the tip! Chris

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