Excellent! Thank you! I didn't know about that site. I see a few suggestions there that may help. Give me 2 or 3 days to try the suggestions and use Word for awhile to see if the problem disappears, and I will post back here to let you know how it turned out. :-)
Sorry to be replying to my own post, but I mis-phrased a part of my original.
This line (with the error underscored):
"I am wondering what could cause the VPN to not connect on one machine but it will not on the other?"
should read (correction in bold):
I am wondering what could cause the VPN...
I've Googled this issue and cannot find anything related to my situation, so I'm hoping someone here can help me. :)
- Three PC's and laptop networked in my web design studio. The main PC and laptop both run WinXP Home, the other two PC's run Win98se.
- DI-604 router
- Cable Modem...
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