I have a report that pulls customer information. Each customer has a unique ID number.
Each year, we generate a list of customers to whom we send a promotional discount. This list changes yearly and is sent to 10-15 customers per year. Among other things, this report shows what we...
I have a small table that I want to make into an array so that Crystal can compare the records it pulls into the report against this array.
How can I convert a table into an array?
How do I iterate through the array to compare each value?
I have a report that shows how many calls were turned around within 24 hours, and how many calls were turned around more than 24 hours. This information is then shown on a graph.
I have 2 questions:
1. Is there a way to manipulate the graph so that it breaks it out by month?
2. If a call...
How do you make Crystal count only within a group? I've separated my data into a customer number group, then within that, I have another group of customer reps. How do I count the number of reps for each customer?
I have a pretty complicated problem. I want to count calls made by a call center. They can have 3 outcomes: Completed, Left Message, and No Answer.
I want to count calls made to specific customers and track the outcomes, but no more than 3. For example, a rep calls customer XYZ 11 times...
I am using the formula above {@CRProjCount} in a chart with these parameters:
On change of: {Username}
Show value: {Sum of @CRProjCount}
Here is my selection criteria:
{ACTIVITY.CATEGORY} = "Call Report" or
{ACTIVITY.CATEGORY} = "Meeting" or
I have a DateAdd function that looks like this:
if {ACTIVITY.STARTDATE} > DateAdd("d",-1,{?Date}) and
{ACTIVITY.STARTDATE} < DateAdd("d",15,{?Date}) and
{ACTIVITY.CATEGORY} = "Call Report" then
When I run the report and use the date...
I have two detail sections, a & b. The way it prints now is a/b, a/b, a/b...all the way to the end. Is there a way to print all of a, then all of b, keeping all of a together and all of b together?
I have two tables, ACCOUNT & USERINFO. They are linked by ACCOUNT.ACCOUNTMANAGERID & USERINFO.USERID. I am trying to replace blank fields in ACCOUNT.CATEGORY with "Call Report" where USERINFO.TITLE = 'Manufacturers Rep'. How can I do this?
Is there a way to add patterns to black and white charts, because it's sometimes hard to differentiate between shades of gray, especially if there is a legend involved.
This is what you could do to convert the string in your fields to dates.
StringVar tDate := {Project.ActSignDate} [x to y];
You would have two sets of these, one for each date field. Make x and y equal to the first and last character position in your date field. For example, if...
I am trying to calculate the time between two fields in a ticket database, [RECEIVEDDATE] and [COMPLETEDDATE].
This is my formula:
Local DateTimeVar d1 := {TICKET.RECEIVEDDATE};
Local DateTimeVar d2 := {TICKET.COMPLETEDDATE};
DateDiff ("h", d1, d2) -
DateDiff ("ww"...
I'm new to Crystal reports.
Is it possible to create a chart based on formula fields? I have a database of account names which I then used formulas to count each account name starting with A's, B's, and so on. I want to show the number of accounts that start with A, B, etc. on a bar graph...
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